Chapter 52

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"Hey, how have you been?" Winter replied with a smile

She acted casual. Too far from what Ningning expected, she thought it would be tensed or uneasy but no. Winter sure did fixed her awkward problem

Yuna was giving an apologetic look to everyone. She didn't expect she'd see her sister getting mobbed by some obsessive paparazzis so she decided to pick her up on the way

"I'm doing great, how about you?" Karina asked back, eventhough she's smiling and all; her eyes seem too cold. Far from what Winter and Ningning remembered where it used to glistened and shine

"Doing better. So, whose place are we going?" Winter gazed at Yuna, she sat on the passenger seat, Ningning at the very back and Ryujin besides Karina

"Our place. I'll just drop off unnie to her place." Yuna stated.

The van moved again and the whole ride was silent. Ningning wondered what they were both thinking. If she recalls, they never had a proper break up and they had hurt each other a lot... as in a lot.

Winter cleared her throat, "When is the reunion?" She asked, eyes glued to her phone

Ningning had no idea so it means Winter's asking Karina.

The older female glanced at her before her eyes landed back in the road.

"Tomorrow is the reunion." she coldly replied

Winter paused. "Damn, we're still jetlagged tho."

She clicked her tounge in annoyance, she started typing on her phone and a few seconds later he looked back at Karina without any hesitations.

"Where is it occuring?"

Karina stared back at her. There was an electrifying sensation when their eyes met and she questioned herself if Winter felt the same thing

"Giselle's villa."

Ningning flinched at her reply.

Winter arched a brow as her eyes went back to her phone. The rest of the ride nobody dared to talk. They felt tensed and awkward for the two and was that normal? Yes.

The road they took was getting familiar to Winter. It was the same buildings, same corners, same spots. Her heart quickened inside her chest when they stopped infront of the place

"Call me when you get back home." Karina told Yuna casually and without landing another eye to the others she stepped out of the van and paced towards the building.

Winter's orbs remained stucked on the building eventhough they had already started moving again and Karina is nowhere in sight.

"She still live there?"

Yuna glanced at her. "Oh yeah. I'm sorry by the way, it was sudden when she called and asked me to pick her up."

Winter nodded her head slowly. "No need to say sorry." She was astounded.

Karina still lives in the same apartment they rented together. Although Winter knew by now the girl had already bought the whole place. Karina looks like she's doing well.

On their way towards Yuna and Ryujin's home she saw a billboard of Karina and her eyes widened at the sudden realization and flashbacks.

'Soon I'll see your ravishing visage on one of the billboards on the way home, and I couldn't wait for that day to come Jimin'

'You can't tell... you might only see me on a magazine, a billboard is big! It will take a while for me to get to that level.'

(chapter 34, iykyk)

She shut her eyes tightly and a bitter smile crossed her face

"She made it." Winter whispered to herself.

Yuna heard her, her eyes landed on the billboard of her sister. Promoting a clothing brand. She grinned.

"She's a model now. I am so proud of her." She commented

Winter smiled, "I'm sure you are."

"Anyways Winter how can you be so calm when you're just in the same van with her?" Ryujin munched on her burger, unlike earlier where she looks like she couldn't breathe Ryujin is now comfortable

The situation was too uncomfy for her. She would die out of awkwardness if she's in that situation.

"What do you want me to do? It's not a big deal." Winter replied.

"Oh shit!" She cussed when she forgot to text Lia because she was distracted

"My girlfriend wants to facetime."

"I want to see her face, call her!" Ryujin suggested

Winter fixed her hair through the dashboard mirror.

Yuna and Ryujin's mouth fell at her actions.

"You're down bad!" Yuna commented while chuckling

"What?" Winter was confused

"Nevermind. Go on call her!" Ryujin stifled a smile

Winter shrugged her shoulders.

"Ningning are you alright back there? You want to talk to Lia?"

Ningning shakes her head. "I wanna sleep, tell her come quick."

Winter laughed, she tapped the video call button and it excites her for some reason

The call passed through and a girl with a doll-like face greeted them. Ryujin was stunned with her beauty but there was a sense of familiarity like she's seen her somewhere

"Hey~" Lia smiled sheepishly

"Hi doll~" Winter greeted back with the same tone as earlier. Sweet and gentle

"We're near home. What time is your flight?" she asked

"It's a secret. By the way, where is Karina? Is she still there?" Lia asked, searching for whatever is fitting on her view

Winter giggled, "We just dropped her off."

"Is that so? Okay, have you eaten?"

"No, I just wanna sleep."

"Baby is tired huh?" Lia grinned

"Yes, I need your energy."

"I'll be there soon."

"I know you will."

There was silence next, where Lia and Winter just stared at each other through the screen with fond eyes.

"I love you. I know you have a lot on your plate right now. Go on, do it. I won't disturb you." Winter clarified

Lia chuckled, "You really know me well."

"Of course."

"Bye, I love you too."

Winter ended the call still smiling. She forgot she's not alone in the car and later on she's getting a lot of teasing from Yuna and Ryujin

"But wait! Why is your girlfriend so chill? Shouldn't she be bothered that you were in the same space with you ex?"

"Lia is not like that." Winter looked away. Her cheeks flushed red.

"You're in a jackpot with that girl!"

"I'm lucky with her." Winter proudly said

"But she's more lucky to have me." She joked.

The van was filled with another laughter. The whole ride they were updating about each other about what the others missed the past five years, and they were happy.

The reunion doesn't seem too bad.

Miss Pessimistic | winrina/jiminjeongWhere stories live. Discover now