Chapter 29

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"Shall we ride the bus?" Karina asked, looking left to right

Winter immediately opposed of the idea, "Nope! Definitely not!"

Karina had an idea as to why Winter doesn't like riding bus again, "Is it because of that incident?"

Winter blows her cheeks, "Can we just call Giselle? That girl has a car right?" She took out her phone but Karina stops her

"You're much more traumatized than I am because of that incident huh?" Karina muttered

Winter pursed her lips as she sighed, "I don't want that thing to happen to you again!"

Karina smiled genuinely, "You are so sweet,"

"Okay then, we won't ride a bus!" She added

For the past 8 months they never rode a bus eversince that crazy old dude harassed Karina. They tried to tell it to the police but because they don't have much evidence and they can't remember his face the case was thrown out. Winter was so furious that up to this day she couldn't bear to see Karina ride a bus again

Good thing Giselle had a new car, a gift from his father. They sometimes ride with her and it's fine with her.

"She won't answer my calls," Karina pouted

"Maybe she's busy?" Winter patted her back when she saw how sad she looked

"Let's take a cab," Winter pulled her wrist towards a waiting shed

And because it's a friday night many students are also going home which means it'll take a while for them to get their own cab.

Winter yawned secretly, she doesn't want Karina to see she's tired because she knew the girl will force her to rest instead of to continue with their date

A black SUV stopped infront of them and the tinted window rolled down. Showing the now pink-haired boy wearing a smirk on his face.

"Going somewhere girls?" Yeonjun asked

It's been 8 months and Winter still finds him annoying, she didn't know why or maybe because he's Karina's ex-boyfriend.

"Yeonjun, you truly are a lifesaver! Can you drive us to the amusement park?" Karina gave him her puppy eyes

Yeonjun chuckled, "No problemo! Hop on!"

Winter shook her head but she still entered his car. Karina was in the passenger seat, she was supposed to sit beside Winter on the back but Yeonjun stopped her because he didn't want to look like their driver.

"So what's the occassion?" Yeonjun started the conversation

The tension between the three of them is growing but Yeonjun seems to be oblivious about the pair of fiery eyes glaring at him

"We're going on a date!" Karina gushed

Yeonjun chuckled, "Wow, it's been too long! I thought it will take you years to confess to each other,"

"Yeah, it was hard to pursue Winter but it's definitely worth it, she's my type." Karina winked through the rear view mirror while Winter looked away to hide her heating cheeks

"Good for you! Good for you!" Yeonjun repeated, too focus on driving.

The car was filled with long silence next not until Karina made a fuss.

"What is this?" Karina lifted a condom. Not just a condom but a used condom.

Winter's eyes widened as she slapped Karina's hands so she lose grip of it.

Miss Pessimistic | winrina/jiminjeongWhere stories live. Discover now