Chapter 43

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It has been a week, their schedules are packed, the two barely see each other even on Sunday's. When Winter have her rest day Karina has her schedules, and when the latter's on her day off the other is busy working. Winter haven't had major projects since she's not a professional yet but she's already this busy, what more if she got promoted as well?

Tomorrow marks the day of Karina's engagement party. She wanted to ditch it, but it's also the same day she'll get promoted. Getting promoted means higher salary and she needed that money.

Yeonjun and her hadn't met to plan about the sabotaging eversince that day at the restaurant. Were they too busy or were they avoiding each other because they knew there's nothing they can do about it?

Nevertheless, Karina won't let herself get caged into a wedding with a man. That's the least thing she would do.

The older wrote a note and pasted it on the lamp where Winter could see immediately soon as she wakes up.

I'm getting promoted, I'll come home late too so don't wait for me. I'm sorry Winter, and I love you

Please, don't hate me too much for not waking you up... and for other things as well.

              Your love, Karina.

The older female watched the younger's beautiful visage, she traced her eyebrows down to her eyes, high-pointed nose and pinkish lips. Karina smiled bitterly before planting a long kiss on the side of her nose.

"I love you." She fixed the comforter up to the younger female's naked body as she brushed her hair one last time.

It was 6am when she left their unit, she wants to talk to Yeonjun.. she have a plan and she needs his cooperation.

But this day seems to be not on her side. It's an unlucky day, Mr Yu called her in his office which she first thought of not to attend and yet here she was standing firm behind the man she despised the most

Ms. Kim entered his office as well, Karina wanted to greet her but she didn't, it was the first time they saw each other at work and yet it has to be the time where Ms Kim doesn't seem to be in herself. Her eyes are swollen puffy red, she walked to his table like a zombie and handed him a file before she trudged out without giving a single glance on the girl.

"You'll be off at exactly twelve-noon, they will start measuring you for the wedding dress, and also wear something formal on your engagement party." Mr Yu puffed a smoke on his cigarettes, eyes landing on the stilled girl who hasn't moved eversince she stepped foot on that room

"I will not do it. I want my freedom, let's have an agreement. I will cut my ties with you, we'll act like we don't know each other, and I'll take Yuna with me,"  Karina firmly stated through clenched teeth

Mr Yu laughed hysterically, "You wouldn't survive a day without me, my little offspring."

Her breath hitched instantly when she heard that nickname again, how long has it been since he last called her that?

"I'll start surviving on my own now. I'm quitting and I'll ditch that engagement bullshit of yours." Karina turned her back on him but what he said next made her freeze on her spot

"What did that little short-haired girl do to you Jimin? I can't recognize my own daughter anymore." Mr Yu clicked his tounge in disapproval

Karina inhaled sharply as she furiously slammed his table, "Stay away from Winter!"

"Oh Winter huh?" Mr Yu stood up as he rolled his sleeves up to his elbow. "It's a beautiful name.. should I taint it a bit?"

Karina retreated in fear. She can't believe her father found her one and only weakness.

"It would be such a shame if this news got out there.. the daughter of the most successful business man is dating someone with the same sex as hers? What would people think of that? So disappointing, Jimin; I never thought you'll get this low. Pathetic." His eyes grew darker as he harshly pulled Karina's arms near him

"I want you to end whatever scandalous relationship you have with that woman, don't make me do it myself."


"I see... you can always call for my help." Yeonjun flashed a small smile as he grabbed her hand to comfort her

"You're struggling too, I know that even if you don't tell me." Karina wiped the tear that fell off from her eye

She have decided she'll just run away with Winter. They will flee far off from the city, hide as long as they can and cut ties with her father.

She couldn't do anything, everything is so tiring and frightening. She will always choose the younger because she can't lose her.

"I'll tell Winter about all this, she will understand right?" Karina asked, on the verge of crying.

Yeonjun pursed his lips, "You are so strong. You have to tell her before it's too late, she'll understand."

"Thank you, Yeonjun. Truly." Karina embraced him with a hug, who knew how long they will get to see each other again.


Karina released from the hug when she heard that sound.. it sounded like someone took a picture of them. She looked around yet she spotted no one.

"What is it?" Yeonjun mused as he also looked around

Karina shakes her head, "Nothing.. I thought I heard something."

"You need to rest.. you look overworked."

Karina chuckled, "I am. Thanks for today Yeonjun. You're the best!"

"As always, anytime milady!" Yeonjun smirked, bowing his head 360 degrees as if to mock the girl, he entered his own car and started the engine, he waved his hand one last time

Karina watched him drive away until he disappeared from her sight, she feels light. Like a burden on her back has been finally lifted. It felt good to tell someone about your problems. She's forever grateful to have him. She hopes she can pay him back someday for his kindness.

But never did she thought having that closeness with Yeonjun would only lead to a bigger storm that will cause her relationship with Winter to affliction.

Just like what some says... not all love stories ends with a happy ending.


A/N: Hi, so I feel like the plot is getting kind of lame lately but that's because I'm just going with the flow, I only write things at the spot and then continue them tomorrow and then I'll have another idea, I'm actually getting confused with myself lol anyways I wanna say please always praise and cheer our girls every chance you get. The hate is starting to grow since aespa is getting bigger in 4th gen, let's continue to support them in their journey. Fighting! Thank you so much to 10K reads!

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