Chapter 42

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"How is your sister doing?"

Karina did not know how they got there, they were in an expensive restaurant along with the two people never in her life did she expect to see.

"She's doing fine now that no one's controlling her." She replied nonchalantly

"What are you implying?" Mr Yu questioned, the girl stared at him blankly before she shrugged her shoulders

She's still dumbfounded, she thought it will only be just the two of them and Yuna. Turns out it was a setup.

"You're having your engagement party next week we can't keep postponing it; you were supposed to get engaged last month, and I'll promote you Jimin as the Operations head that same day so you'll have more time to think of your speech. Is that clear?" Mr. Yu stated in a sturdy voice

Karina refrained herself from venting out her anger, "I told you I'm not doing that engagement thing." She deadpanned

The four of them stopped eating, Yeonjun only listened quietly. The ambience of the room suddenly became heavy.

Mr. Yu cleared his throat, "You don't have a choice. You're working for me, you're my daughter and you'll do anything I ask you to do."

"You said one year and you'll let me be on my own, but why are you suddenly forcing me to marry someone I don't even love?" Karina spoke frigidly

"It's for your own sake, which part of that do you not understand?" Mr. Yu is getting impatient and Yeonjun can see that, his father remained unbothered by the quarrel happening on the table since he's too focused on his food

Karina clenched her jaw, "Bullshit! I'm not doing this, I don't care anymore."

"Yu Jimin! I am disappointed in you." Mr. Yu spoke calmly

Karina scoffed in disbelief, "I'll never stop disappointing you then." She abruptly left, not even taking one last glance at their table.

Yeonjun was uncomfortable, he did not expect that too. Hell, he doesn't even have any idea that there will be a meeting with the Yu's this day.

"Stubborn one huh?" Mr. Choi laughed hysterically

Mr. Yu took his glasses off, although he's on his mid 40's the man still looks young. His eyes resembled Karina's, it's like talking to a much more older, mature, well-mannered, and serious male version of the girl.

"She's just like you.. stubborn as a mule, strong-willed. She got your personality." Mr. Choi remarked

"That girl will be the end of me, I'm telling you." Mr. Yu retorted in a monotonous tone

"About that Yeonjun, now that you've met your future wife. I hope you treat her well, she may be like that now but I'm sure you can change her." Mr. Yu never once smiled at him. His aura is so intimidating, his energy is too powerful to the point that you'll bow your head 360 degrees while your knees wobble weakly.

Yeonjun didn't reply. He shut his mouth, he can sense the pair of bloodless eyes observing him but he didn't bother to look. It's like Mr. Yu already knew him, or maybe he's just being paranoid.

"I best be on my way, it was nice to meet you at last Yeonjun."

Yeonjun thought the man just smirked at him, when he blinked the small curve on the side of his lips were nowhere. He gulped. Making an eye contact with Mr. Yu feels like he can see through you.

"It was nice to meet you too, sir." Yeonjun replied in a stable tone although his system is shutting down. Mr. Yu eyed him for a couple more seconds before he went his own way, that's when Yeonjun breathed normally.

Everything feels so wrong. He doesn't want to meet that man again but he knew at some point, he'll have to.


Karina and Winter carried their groceries to their unit. The older female quickly texted the younger after that suffocating lunch with her father and his business partner. It was troubling her, she's having a hard time of deciding whether to tell Winter or not.

They paid for the groceries half-half since that's what their deal was, they were halt when they saw a familiar figure knocking on their door while carrying a huge box.



They spoke simultaneously, almost couldn't believe it.

Ms. Kim smiled at them, "I was wondering why no one was answering, you girls went shopping?"

"Just some groceries, how long have you been waiting?" Karina strike up a conversation, it's been so long since they last saw each other

Winter stared at her mom, she felt something off but she shrugged it away as she took the box her mother was carrying earlier.

"Not long, I was around the corner. I decided to drop by and give you these, a little help because I know what it feels like starting off." Ms. Kim smiled, but it seemed forced for some reason

Karina opened the box and almost all of the kitchen essentials were there. She felt thankful, Ms. Kim really is a thoughtful mother, she always make them feel loved and special to her.

Ms. Kim observed around the living room, "I'm so proud of you girls." She stated

Karina and Winter glanced at each other with meaningful stares, the younger female motioned her head to the side and Karina caught up to what she was trying to say.

Winter approached her mother slowly, "What is it mom?"

Ms. Kim stared at her daughter, she smelled a strong perfume lingering around Ms. Kim and she knew it's definitely not hers.. it smells like a man's perfume.

"Nothing. I gotta go. Please take care of each other, okay? I will always be here to support you both." Ms. Kim kissed Winter's cheeks. She was stunned for a second before she come with her to the lobby and bid her farewell.

As soon as Winter came back, Karina was standing at their veranda while holding two glasses of wine. She's wearing a silk bathrobe with her wet hair falling behind her back. The city was so alive, the air was cool. It was so peaceful. They wanted to stay like that forever.

"Is auntie okay?" Karina mused as she leaned her head on the younger's chest, she offered the other wine glass and Winter accepted it whole-heartedly

"I don't know."

Karina took her hand and squeezed it tightly. "Everything is so beautiful.. and this life with you. It's beautiful." She gazed at her lovingly

Winter hugged her tightly causing her to look at her. Karina kissed her chin as she stood up and placed the wine glass on the small table beside them.

Winter's eyes widened when Karina showed her a knot ring.

"What is this?" She whispered, mouth fell agape.

"I haven't proven myself to you yet so I can't marry you this instant," Karina gave her a small smile. "The only thing I can give you is a promise along with this ring."

A tear fell from Winter's eye when Karina slipped the ring on her finger. She stared at it and touched it lightly.

"I love you," She solemnly stated

"I'll become more successful, and then I'll marry you. It's a promise, Minjeong."

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