Chapter 28

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Time flies so fast, it's been a hell of a ride when Winter and Karina made it official. They earned a lot of congratulations from their friends and schoolmates and of course there are some who are against it but it died down after a month of them going out.

Karina and Winter are both in their second year college, their relationship has gotten strong, they were happy in each other's company.

Christmas is coming and Winter has been planning to introduce Karina to her mother not just as a friend anymore but her girlfriend. Although she's not sure if her mother will accept them

On Karina's family side only Yuna knows they're a couple. They're trying their best not to deliver the news to Mr. Yoo because they knew the man is a big hater of the LGBT community. Fortunately, fate has been on their sides, they've been going out for 8 months now but nothing seemed to change, they are still the same person they met way back then

Karina is so clingy and Winter is not which makes them balance each other. Winter has stopped working at Ryujin's cafe because she's been busy with college. She's taking engineering so she should take it seriously.

She sometimes go to Ryujin's cafe to have a free coffee and bread while working on her little college stuffs.

Meanwhile, Karina has been getting cards for modelling. She doesn't really like engineering like how Winter do but she didn't have a choice but to take it for his own father's satisfaction, he said Karina might be of help to his company in the future.

Karina has been collecting the cards so when the right time comes she could reconsider. She have a great face and body, Winter supports her about it but she's having second thoughts. She's not sure what path to take so she had no choice but to stick in engineering

"Where is she?" Karina asked Giselle and Ningning who were both messing around with each other

"Your girl must be on the library again, she's been drowning herself with books these days," Giselle answered

Karina sighed as she walked her way to the library which is two buildings away from their room. Freshman are greeting her on the way which she responds with a smile

Karina's popularity increases day by day that many agencies are starting to recruit her for modelling contract. But because she knew how that industry works she doesn't want to try, they might force her and Winter to break up if ever.

She got into the library all sweaty only to find her girlfriend sleeping on one of the table with her head hung low on the book she was reading earlier.

Pity and worry crawl over Karina's chest. Winter never stopped reading books to the point that she's not having enough sleep. She really takes engineering seriously, and Karina is so proud of her for that.

She approached the girl slowly, her lips pursed when she saw the exhaustion written all over Winter's sleeping face.

She softly traced Winter's facial features by her index finger as she brush the hair seeping on her face back into her ears

"Love," Karina called softly

Her gaze went to the books Winter was sleeping on, it was full of numbers, equations and calculations that it makes her head ache eventhough she's just staring at it.

"Winter, wake up my love." Karina called again

Winter hummed, "Five more minutes mom,"

Karina giggled at her response. "Hey, come on! Wake up now!"

But even if how many times she tried to wake her up, the latter won't budge. She gave up in the end so she decided to rest with her, Karina figured Winter must be regaining her energy.

She waited for as long as she can until her eyelids get droopy. Next thing she knew darkness has succumbed her to sleep alongside the girl she loves.

Karina woke up by a pair of hands patting her head, her eyes slowly fluttered open and a girl with a bob cut was the first person to greet her.

"Hey handsome," Karina greeted with a smile

Winter continued caressing her hair, "About time you wake up,"

"How long have I been sleeping?" Karina stretched her body as she yawns

"I woke up thirty-minutes ago so I don't know, thanks for accompanying me though," Winter smiled genuinely as she started packing the books that are scattered on the table

Karina pouted, "Are you going to keep studying until later?"

Winter looked at her, she sensed the longing in her voice and it never failed to make her heart jump whenever Karina shows she wants some affection

"Shall we go on a date?" Winter asked and it made Karina's eyes sparkle in joy

She nodded her head vigorously.

"Okay," Winter chuckled

"Do you have a gum?" Karina asked as she rummaged Winter's bag

"I think it's in my pocket," Winter replied as she put the last book into her bag

Karina searched her skirt's pocket and she immediately spot the gum but before she lets go she encircled her fingers around Winter's thigh making her eyes widen

"Naughty," Winter mumbled

"Only for you," Karina replied as she teasingly put the bubble gum on her mouth

Winter shook her head, grinning ear to ear.

They went out of the library being all cuddly, intertwining their hands while teasing each other.

"Do you think we'll still be this close if you didn't purposedly lock that door at the rooftop that day?" Winter inquired

Karina stifled a smile by her random question, "What made you think about that?"

"Honestly, I thought I'll quietly graduate in college without having new friends nor did I imagine having a girlfriend as popular and as pretty as you, so I don't know." Winter giggled by herself

"Thanks for the compliment," Karina seductively said, biting her lower lip

"So what do you think? What would've happened if you didn't follow me into the rooftop?" Winter nudged her elbows to Karina's stomach, too eager to know her side

"It doesn't matter," Karina replied nonchalantly

Winter was offended, "Why not?!"

"Because even if we didn't met there I would've make you mine either way," Karina boldly stated as she yawns

Winter scoffed in disbelief as her fsce heated up, she didn't expect that type of answer from her. She looked away so Karina won't see the blush on her face because if she do then she'll receive a non-ending teasing from the latter.

A/N: So, Karina said her name really is Yu Jimin in romanization and I feel so dumb, lmao. Forgive me I'm new to the fandom, I'm a Next Level my.

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