Chapter 25

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"Soo what's the catch?" Ryujin intrigued the busy Winter, they're currently at the cafe to work

"What do you mean?" Winter walked away to fix the coffee filler, and of course Ryujin followed her

"What happened between you and Karina?" Ryujin leaned her chin on her palm while observing the girl

Winter froze but recovered just as fast, "Nothing,"

"Really huh? Do you think Yeonjun and Karina are a thing now?" Ryujin smirked

Winter felt irritated just by the mention of his name. Him and Karina have been hanging out for a week now, if they're not away together they would be at the cafe where Winter is working at.

"I don't know and I don't care, okay?!" Winter replied, pissed.

"Is that so? Speaking of them, I think they'll be hanging out for the day again here," Ryujin clicked her tounge, finding it exciting for some reason

Winter rolled her eyes, she took a glance outside accidentally making an eye contact with Yeonjun who opened the glass door for Karina.

"And Winter stop throwing daggers at Yeonjun, are you jealous?" Ryujin was amused

"I am not!" Winter hissed as she averted her gaze

"Okay!" Ryujin raised her hands, "Someone's grumpy,"

"I'll pay you after work, I have paid all of my father's debt, yay! It's all thanks to you... and to the gorgeous girls you brought here," Ryujin chuckled a little as she make her way towards the kitchen, she knew what she mean. Eversince Giselle, Ningning and Karina entered the cafe customers have been piling up just to take a glance at the girls, and they will also order just to stay longer and admire the goddesses around them

"You don't have to pay me," Winter slowly whispered but she's certain Ryujin didn't hear it

Winter sighed, she observed her surroundings through her peripheral vision, it irritates her that she can see Karina laughing with Yeonjun.

"Flirt," she whispered into thin air, wanting to strangle Yeonjun

She's not sure why she's feeling these, or maybe she does but she doesn't want to accept it. She's not a hater of the LGBTQ+ community and she's good with staying straight than make things even more complicated

Winter was zoning out when Yeonjun appeared infront of her, grinning ear to ear as if to annoy her

"What's your order?" She asked nonchalantly

Yeonjun's eyes sparkled by the tone of her voice, "Two iced americano, two cookies and two croissant for me and my date,"

Winter nodded her head, tounge poking on the insides of her cheeks to stop herself from snarling at the boy

"Is that all?"

"Is that how you treat your customer here?" Yeonjun annoyingly said

Winter clenched her jaw, about to speak when he already walked out.

He saw her whispered something on Karina's ear that made her laugh and slap his arms. Then their eyes met, Karina waved her hand cutely at her but Winter acted like she saw nothing.

She prepared his order with a heavy heart. She wanted to slap the tray on Yeonjun's face if only he's not a customer.

Meanwhile, the two are having fun in each other's company. They only hang out because Yeonjun is becoming Karina's gay therapist.

He helped her with all of the confusion she encountered, he explained all of it to her. And he promised he'll help her win Winter's heart.

But, he thinks he's not needed at all. The way Winter treated him earlier is a confirmation that she feels the same way towards Karina and she's just locking her feelings away... probably because she's afraid just like how Karina was.

Yeonjun purposedly annoyed Winter to see her reaction, and it made him happy that his mission as a cupid is done.

"She's jealous," Yeonjun whispered on Karina's ear soon as he went back into their table

Karina eyed him confusedly, "What?"

"Your Winter is jealous of me," Yeonjun repeated with a smirk on his face

Karina laughed and slapped his arms. "She's more handsome than you are, how come she's jealous?" She looked back to see Winter

She waved at her and she swore the girl averted her gaze and didn't waved back. It made her pout.

"I guess I'm no longer needed here," Yeonjun puts both of his hands on the back of his head, comfortably sitting there while looking outside the window

Karina smiled sheepishly, "You know, I really found you attractive.. and you still are. But you're no match for Winter,"

Yeonjun frowned, "I found you attractive too, and I still do. But my boyfriend is much more better than you," He retorted earning an eye roll from the girl

They both laughed at how ridiculous they sounded like. Everyone in the cafe would think they are a straight couple who's happily having a date but no, and it makes Winter mad because the other customers are gushing over the two

Yeonjun's phone beeped, "Oh it's him, I have to go." He hurriedly put his denim jacket on beneath his white v-neck tshirt

He was about to leave when he forgot to tell something

He came back to whisper one last thing on Karina's ears.

Her face heats up instantly, lips surpressing a smile.

"I loved the detailed explanation of your make out session by the way, but I'm gonna be honest. I didn't expect you to be a bottom. Confess to her later so you'll get more kisses," Yeonjun teases as he chuckled

Karina hide her face on her palms because of shame, "Ugh, why did I tell him about that?!" Now she's feeling regret

"About what?"

Her breath hitched when Winter appeared infront of her.

"Hey babe~" She sweetly greeted

"Are you free later?" Winter looked away, feeling embarassed

Karina was taken aback, "Are you asking me to go on a date with you?"

Winter didn't reply.

"Yes, I'm free. I'm always free for you," She huskily said

Winter's palm started sweating. She nodded her head vigorously.

"G-good. Let's meet at the amusement park, 7 sharp don't be late." Winter swiftly stood up to get back into the countertable

Karina bit her lower lip to stop herself from squealing out loud. She looked at her watch and figured she have three more hours to get ready.

"Tonight is the night, Yu Jimin." She mumbled to herself

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