Chapter 35

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"What did you call me for?" Karina sat elegantly on one of the chairs, four vacant seats ahead from Mr. Yu

She can't believe she'll have to step foot in that house again. Everything is suffocating her, memories of her mom in every corner of the room is still colorful in her mind.

"Few weeks from now we will talk about your engagement with-"

Karina abruptly stood up, not wanting to hear the next words that would come out of his mouth, she's not liking where this is going and yet his father continued shouting from the dining area.

"Jimin! Give me your cards!" He stated with authority

She froze in her spot, fuck she hasn't even started working yet! She just graduated last month!

"You will start working for my company, I guess I can take back my cards now. You need to learn how to live with your starting salary." Mr. Yu extended his hand, waiting for the girl to do exactly as he says

Karina took her wallet, with a blank expression she placed the three cards on his palm, giving them back to its rightful owner. She figured she should stop depending on him

Mr. Yu never failed to give her what she wants, he's financially stable, he gave his card to her daughters but it isn't what they want. Eversince his company got big he became different. Cold and unintersted with them. All they're asking is a father's love... but even that is hard to receive.

"I'll be on my way... about the engagement thing... I'm not doing it." Karina said firmly, and with a heavy footsteps she walked out of that stifling place, hoping she wouldn't have to come back again.


"I got accepted!" Winter happily announced

Karina's mouth fell agape, her eyes grew wider.

"Of course you will! You'll be one of the best Civil Engineer out there," She promptly enclasped her with a hug

"Which company is it?" Karina asked, feeling delightful about the news

"Soleil? I forgot! There are lots of companies recruiting me, it's shocking honestly; I feel overwhelmed." Winter fisted her hand on her chest

Karina approached her slowly, "I'm so proud of you! As expected of our valedictorian," She felicitate

Winter shyly smiled, "I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! I heard they'll pay me first before I get to the job!" She squealed internally

"I can buy a condominium unit for us after my first pay check!" Winter added

"I'll start working with Mr. Yu next week too, ugh! Let's look for a unit after our payday so we could move in quick!" Karina merrily stated

"Our dreams will turn to reality soon!" Winter snaked her arms around Karina's waist as she lift her up out of excitement

Winter grimaced causing the mood to change, it caught Karina's attention.

"What's wrong?" She mused

Winter faked a smile, "Everything is happening so fast.. I feel like we're doing something wrong... like the calm before the storm," She fakely chuckled

"You're being pessimistic again love," Karina played with her hair

"Remember when you said you had a feeling that you won't pass the board exam?" Karina reminisces

"Yet you did! Every little negative things that comes out of your mouth becomes positive! We're going to be just fine," Karina rubbed the back of her hand

She pressed her lips against her unexpectedly.

It magically works, everytime their lips touch it feels like it's always the first time. It's comforting in a way no words could.

"I can't believe we made it this far," Winter whispered after

Karina giggled, "Don't get tired of me. Anyways, I bought an icecream earlier! Let's eat it together!"

They went to the kitchen of Giselle's apartment. Yep, they never left. They would always hang out in that place since the girl and Ningning are always out.

But this time they aren't.

"Hey Gigi," Karina greeted the girl

Giselle slightly nods her head in response, her eyes stuck on her phone screen with an arched eyebrow.

Karina and Winter glanced at each other. They quietly took the icecream out of the refrigerator where Giselle was standing at.

"Want some ice cream, Aeri?" Karina offered

Giselle shakes her head, still not letting go of her phone. "I'm fine, thanks."

"Okay," Karina whispered into thin air

"Something's off," Winter pulled her arms towards the living room where they could watch a movie on the flat screen

"Have you seen Ningning and her these days?" Karina inquired while opening the lid of the mint-choc ice cream she bought

Winter shrugged her shoulders in response.

"They're kind of distant, I guess?" She answered, unsure.

"Ningning hasn't been coming here for the past two weeks, what if it had something to do with Giselle being that grumpy?" Karina gasped

"It's probably just a small quarrel, I'm sure one of them will talk to us if things went down." Winter wasn't sure of the words she said, because for some reason... she's uncertain with the relationship Giselle and Ningning has been showing for the past few days

"I hope it's nothing serious.. I can see the distress in Gigi's eyes earlier." Karina sighed deeply

Winter entwined their hands, "They will open up when they want, let's not force them to talk,"

Karina stared at her face as she stared back.

"What?" Winter asked, eyebrows raising.

Karina smiled sheepishly, "I love you," She declared

Winter smiled back, "I know,"

Karina grunts in frustration, her mood changed instantly because of that answer.

"Why is it that whenever I say those three words your reply is always 'I know' didn't auntie tell you the right words to respond with that?" Karina crossed her arms, sulking as she make space between them.

Winter chuckled uncontrollably.

"I didn't want those words to sound forced.. if I told you what you wanted to hear wouldn't it sound feigned?" Winter reasoned out

What she said got Karina thinking.

"That kind of.. makes sense I guess?" She pouted as she took a spoonful of ice cream to eat

"Don't think about it, it'll only make your head hurt," Winter brushed her hair while grinning ear-to-ear

"Come to think of it, you haven't once said 'I love you too' it's always 'I know' god I should get used to it, you're unbelievable." Karina scoffed

Winter pulled her closer, she squeezed her hand as they huddled in the couch.

"I may not say it often but I love you Karina.. I hope you know that whenever I reply 'I know' to yours," She sneered

Karina closed her eyes as she rested on the younger's chest. Feeling drowsy by the pair of hands playing with her hair, the younger is twirling some strands on her fingers while humming a soft tune.

Karina wished they could stay like that forever, she relaxed her eyes while listening to the girl's steady heartbeat as it slowly drifted her off to sleep.

Miss Pessimistic | winrina/jiminjeongWhere stories live. Discover now