Chapter 14

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It's been a month, a whole month with only Giselle, Winter and Ningning together. Although Karina is still attending the same class as them the girl is like a wind, they talk but not like back then where they bicker at each other

She started hanging out with her old fake friends again instead of hanging out with the three girls.

Karina appears to be... in a troubled situation which she only knows. Her whole world is slowly falling apart. She looked horrible the past few days, and she's not as cheerful as before.

Winter is not gonna lie, she misses her... maybe a little? But of course she wouldn't admit that to the girl

"Hey, are you going to come with us this time?" Giselle has always been trying her best to bring back the old Karina but no matter what they do... she won't change

"Sorry Riri, I feel tired. I'll go home after school," Karina replied, smiling weakly.

"Okay," Giselle sadly said

When the bell rang Karina as usual was the first to go home and they didn't bother to follow the girl. It's like they're invading her privacy if they continue to follow her wherever she goes, if Karina wants to tell them something then they should wait and if not then they should understand

"Does she still live with you?" Ningning asked, sounding a little concern

"No, eversince that day at the airport she hasn't gone back to our apartment," Giselle sighed

"Just what the hell happened to her?" She frustratedly added

Winter remained quiet, she's curious and worried too.

A part of her self wanted to know what's bothering her and another part of herself knew this thing would also happen... friendships are bound to end. She's actually glad she didn't expect much from Karina

Winter's phone rang, it's Ryujin again. She answered it quickly, and a sobbing girl greeted her.

"Minjeong," She sobbed

"Hey, what happened? Where are you?" Winter worriedly asks

The two girls looked at her strangely.

"Please, I need you right now." Ryujin's voice is shaking for what reason? She don't know.

"Okay, calm down! Where are you?" Winter took her things as she went out, not noticing the two are following her

"A-at the cafe," Ryujin replied

"I want you to calm down first and drink water, I'll go there as fast as I can." Winter said before ending the call

She ran as fast as she can to take a cab, and when she entered she was surprised to see Ningning and Giselle catching up

"You guys can't live without me huh?" Winter scoffed

"We're just worried you'll end up like Karina too," Ningning replied

"Can we talk to Karina after this? Where are we going anyways?" Giselle asked, looking outside only to see unfamiliar establishments

"My friend called," Winter worriedly stated

Giselle and Ningning stayed quiet, not wanting to ask another question cuz it seems like Winter isn't her right mind to answer it right away.

They stopped on a crowded market, a few walk and they reached the cafe.

Ryujin ran like hell towards Winter's arms, wrapping her hands around her as tight as she could. Afterall, Winter is the only one who she can lean on for now.

"What happened, Ryu?" Winter worriedly asked, eyes showed a lot of concern

"If Karina was here she'll flip out," Giselle whispered to Ningning

"Don't you think Winter is being mean to Karina?" Ningning sadly inquired

"I know... but I still find this weird... I have never seen Winter look at us the way she looks at that girl," Giselle was saddened by that fact. At times she wanted to ask Winter if she's considering them her friends... but she's too afraid to hear the answer

Winter and Ryujin kept talking to each other until the girl calms down. She wanted to stay with her until morning but Ryujin told her not to.

They bid their farewell to each other, Winter heard Ryujin's side and she's bothered by it. Ryujin has suicidal tendencies and it worries her to the point that she doesn't want the girl out of her sight.

Giselle, Winter and Ningning quietly walked out of the cafe, not wanting to say another word to each other. The mood was gloomy and heavy. They're afraid to say something like it might hurt them

Giselle's phone rang and when she saw the caller ID she answered it without hesitating


"Yes, I'm with her! You don't have her number? Yikes, you're slow." Giselle joked but then her voice changed

She handed the phone to Winter which she only stared at

"Karina wants to talk to you," Giselle bit her lower lip as she walk away

Winter took it though she was hesitating at first but she still did.


The other line went quiet but Winter can definitely hear Karina's heavy deep breaths on the speaker

"Hey," Her voice sounded tired

"Hey, what is it?" Winter asked looking somewhere else because Giselle and Ningning has been observing her

"Nothing.. I.. I just miss your voice t-that's all," Karina's voice broke and Winter got the hint that something's wrong

She sighed in disbelief.

"Where are you Karina?" It was the first time... the first time she called her by her name

Karina tried to stifle a sob and before Winter could hear her breakdown, she ended the call.

Winter slowly slips down the phone, she handed it back to Giselle who look concerned

"What did she say?"

Winter shrugged. They all went home quietly. Unlike the other days where they annoy each other this one is different.

They all went their seperate ways... the night was cold and empty just like how they feel these past few days.

Winter was taking her keys out when she saw a couple of men crowding in her frontyard.

With furrowed eyebrows she sprinted towards them to figure what the fuss is all about

She was surprised and worried when she sight those men taking pictures of the weak and pitiful Karina lying on the ground

"Get off of my lawn you lunatics!" Winter pushed all of them to make her way towards the feeble girl

"What is your problem?" One person spoke

"What is my problem? What is your problem?! Taking pics of someone without their consent?! I'll fucking report you to the police and I'll remember your fucking faces, now get the hell away!" Winter was fuming mad, she noticed Karina gripping on her clothes but she was too furious to the people infront of her to even pay the girl any attention

"What are you? Like her mom?" Someone added and laugh

Winter scoffed, offended by the words used.

"Like her mom? Motherfucker! I'm her girlfriend," She yelled angrily

Miss Pessimistic | winrina/jiminjeongWhere stories live. Discover now