Chapter 55

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"Okay first before we proceed, raise your hands if you want to participate! I don't want to receive a news tomorrow that a couple just broke up because of this." Taehyun half jokingly said

They all laughed in unison.

Karina was the first to raise her left hand, Yeji was the second, third is Yeonjun then Beomgyu, Giselle, Ningning, Ryujin and Yuna

Winter glanced at Lia and the girl is already raising her hand too.

"Hey, what is this?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows

"What? Let's have fun, don't worry no matter what you do I will still trust you." Lia smiled cheekily

"Taehyun is wild when it comes to these games, are you sure about this?" Winter whispered to her ear

Everyone's eyes are on them, if they knew better they'll think these two are flirting because the hand of Lia is slowly caressing Winter's exposed thigh up and down

"Fine!" Winter agreed half-heartedly

"Cool! So everyone is joining that's great. Now buttoms up for a warm up, we might need the alcohol's confidence!" Taehyun yelled

"Cheers!" They all spoke simultaenously as a continuous clank of glasses stretched into the air

"We're gonna play randomly, I'm sure you'll get it soon so I don't need to explain," Taehyun scratched his ear, he might look like he doesn't know what he's doing but trust Winter, Ningning and Lia by this time he's already scheming something

"Now who wants to go first?" Taehyun arched a brow

Nobody volunteered until an arm stretch in the air with an awkward smile

"Okay Beomgyu, I dare you to kiss the person you find the hottest in this room." He chuckled

Beomgyu smirked. He stood up confidently and started walking away when Yeonjun stopped him

"Where the hell are you going Beomgyu?"

"To the bathroom, I'll kiss myself in the mirror." He acted like he's smooching someone that made all of them giggle

"Fucking dumbass, so narcisstic. Except yourself rat!" Yeonjun messed his hair in annoyance

"Oh then—" Beomgyu approached Taehyun and stood infront of him before they french kissed infront of everybody

Everyone cheered and Winter was just laughing.

"Not bad," Taehyun licked his lips after the make up session

"He liked it." Lia whispered to Winter's ear

"Sure he did." She whispered back

"Beomgyu I thought you were straight," Winter nudged his stomach

The boy chuckled, "I go both ways, Winter. By the way, it's been so long. You look even more beautiful."


"Okay don't flirt right after you made out with me. Next! Lia!"

Lia's heart quickened, she doesn't like the looks Taehyun is giving her. He looks mischievous, well he always does but this time is different

"I dare you... to lick the most attractive part you find in Winter's body for 5 seconds!"

Her cheeks instantly tainted red. Winter caught up to it immediately.

"She can take a shot if she don't want to right?" Winter insisted

"Boring." Yeji commented while staring at them

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