Chapter 38

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"You knew that long?!" Karina scoffed in disbelief, "I can't fucking believe you!"

She tried to ran away but Yeonjun wasn't planning to let her go, "Hear me out okay? I was fucking scared too!"

She glared at him, her veins almost popping out of her neck because of frustration and bewilderment.

"I'm done with your shit! Don't talk to me ever again!" She yelled angrily

Yeonjun covered her mouth, "Everyone's looking at us lower your damn voice! God! I told you I'm here to fix this mess!"

Karina shouted through her covered mouth but only muffled sounds came out. She slapped his hands away.

"Why were you scared? You had the chance to tell me! I would've understand! I would've cut my ties with Mr. Yu that early, hell Yeonjun that was four years ago, they were planning our marriage that long and you decided to run away?! It's not like they're gonna force us to marry each other that young, we could've done something to prevent this from happening!" Karina snarled, she wrinkled her nose while still struggling from his grasp

"That's my point! I ran away because they already planned to get us engage while we're still in college and soon as we graduated we'll fucking have our own wedding! Can you blame me? I had a boyfriend who I loved and cherished so much, I was young and I haven't reached my peak that time!" Yeonjun unclasped his grip from Karina's as he frustratedly messed his hair in annoyance

"They tried to do that?" Karina gasped, she couldn't believe it. The thought of her freedom getting taken away scared her a bit.

"What would've happened if you didn't left?" Karina whispered calmly, "Where did you go anyways?"

Yeonjun sighed, "I asked my father if I can live with mom until I graduate from college and in return I'll come back here to marry the heir of Damzel Corp,"

Karina eyed him sharply, "You're against that thought right? You don't agree about that idea just like me, right?" She inquired, hopefully.

Yeonjun chuckled as she patted her head, "I told you I'm here to fix this mess, and I'm gay so..."

Karina breathed a sigh of relief, "That's great."

"Want to have a coffee?"

"You're not asking me out are you? I have a girlfriend-"

"Dummy, I just wanted to ask how you've been, don't worry it's just a friendly date," He rolled his eyes

"Sure, as long as it's your treat."


"So, you said he cheated.. why? Don't answer if it's sensitive for you," Karina sips on her iced americano as she looked outside

They were in a cafe near their company, deja vu. It felt like yesterday when they last talked like this, the only difference is they were on Ryujin's cafe back then.

"Well, he cheated on me with ny bestfriend. I'm sure you know him," Yeonjun smiled bitterly

"When did that happen?" Karina sadly asked

"Almost a year now,"

"With who?"

"Kai," Yeonjun scoffed, "I'm more handsome than him, I'm talented, I'm smart, I'm cute and clingy, I was an understanding boyfriend... why did he have to leave me? He could've just said it won't work for us because he found someone better but he didn't! He seriously cheated and I wouldn't know if someone hadn't told me!" He bursted in anger

Karina was dumbfounded by his sudden outburst, it must have been hard she thought. She wondered what would've happened to her and Winter if one of them lost sparks with each other. She don't want to think of it, the chances are low but never zero.

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