Chapter 50

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5 years later. . .



"You sure you want to go back?" Ningning asked

Winter gave her a confused look. "Why wouldn't I be sure?"

Ningning sighed. "Nothing." She replied

"It's just a vacation, we're just gonna hang out with our college buddies for awhile." Winter gave her an assuring smile

It's been five years. Five years outside South Korea. Winter wondered.. what happened to her friends?

Are they doing well? Eventhough she promised to communicate with Yuna and Ryujin it didn't happened as planned

Winter never talked to them, but Ningning did

The latter sat beside her as they watched the serenity of the city up from their penthouse.

In the past five years many things happened. It was tormenting. Both of them will lie if they say it was easy surviving on their own. It was dreadful.

But Winter did her best to earn some money for her mother's therapy sessions. She was improving. The thing that happened to her was traumatizing and Ms. Kim is so strong for holding on.

Winter is not the type to make her revenge, god knows how much she wanted to take down Mr. Yu but she's just gonna let karma do it for her. Besides, she doesn't wanna get involve with the Yu's anymore

"I can't believe we've come this far." Ningning rested her head on Winter's shoulder

"So do I. Everything is worth it." Winter sighed

"Do you still think of them sometimes?" Ningning inquired

She didn't mention anyone but Winter knew who she was talking about

"I would be lying if I say I don't." She replied

Ningning faced her with a serious look.

"Do you regret parting ways with her?"

Winter pursed her lips. She looked away and sighed.

"Everything I did is for my own sake therefore I don't regret breaking up with her." She calmly responded

"But you were broken."

"And so are you." Winter retorted as she gave Ningning a mocking smile

"Since we're already talking about our past why did you left Giselle without telling her beforehand?" Winter questioned, smirking a little

Ningning then shot her eyes upfront.

"I don't know. Why didn't I tell her? Maybe because I thought it wouldn't be long or maybe because I thought it will help me with my career.. or maybe because I thought she would still accept me if I come back to her." Ningning lamented

Winter's mood changed. Her face dropped.

"Karina will always have a place in my  heart and I'm pretty sure you feel the same way about Giselle. First love is the purest." Winter patted her head and stood up

"I'm going to sleep now. Our flight for tomorrow is 6 am, you should rest too."

"Winter?" Ningning called

Winter faced her again with a questioning look

"Are you sure about your decision?"

Winter chuckled, "I told you it'll just be a reunion with our college buddies."

"I wasn't pertaining to that." Ningning stood up as well and approached her

"Then what?"

"Lia." Ningning shortly replied

Winter kept her mouth shut. She was confused.

"What if you see Karina again and your feelings come back? Karina is also one of our batchmates, did you forgot?" Ningning scratched her nape

Winter was bewildered. "And what does that have to do with Lia?"

Ningning stared at her like she can't believe what the girl just said.

"You, your ex, your girlfriend in one house? Would that be okay with you? It would be awkward don't you think?"

Winter gaped. Her lips formed a smile. She trudged her way towards her room while Ningning followed behind

"My girlfriend will be fine about that and besides it's been five years. People come and go so does our feelings. It's not that deep." Winter chuckled

Ningning was about to say something again when Winter obstructed.

"Why don't you wanna go back to Korea? Is it because of Giselle? I thought you have moved on!" Winter teased

Ningning grunts. "God! Now I'm starting to regret introducing you to Lia."

Winter laughed. "Thank you for introducing my future wife to me."

Ningning's eyes widened. "You're not serious!"

Winter smirked, "Oh I am!" She showed Ningning a diamond ring

The latter took it out of her hand still shock by the fact that Winter is serious. She have made up her mind.

Simple, elegant, stunning. These are just a few adjectives to describe the ring.

"Does she know?" Ningning asked, handing back the ring with caution

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I tell her now right? I'm planning to propose to her in Korea. I can't wait."

Winter hopped on the bed while looking fondly at the ring.

Ningning remained quiet. She's not having a good feeling about this but she can only hope.

She knew how much Winter loves Lia but she also knew how much Winter and Karina loved one another. Their love was out of this world, it was one of a kind.

Karina was the greatest risk Winter has ever taken and Ningning is frightened once her speculation becomes a reality

Winter said it herself

'Karina will always have a place in my heart'

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