Chapter 11

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"Hey, isn't that Karina?" Ningning pointed outside the window where they were sitting at

Karina was talking to some people and it looks like they are arguing based off of Karina's expression. Then she walked out pissed.

"Wow, that's a first." Winter commented

"Jeez, those fake ass mofos are horrible! I bet they're blackmailing Karina again," Giselle clicked her tounge in annoyance

Ningning and Winter looked at her in disbelief.

"Friends? Karina's friends with them? Why is she getting blackmailed then?" Ningning sounded so concern

"I don't know, I didn't like them in the first place. Karina would always rant about how terrible it is in that circle of friends," Giselle sips on her boba tea

"That's what she gets for being too friendly," Winter scoffed

"Hey that's rude. I think she is really nice and doesn't deserve to be treated like that," Ningning defended her side

"Nice? Psh, nonsense! She's like satan dressed as a human," Winter declared

"Just who are you talking about?" Karina emerged, arms crossing with eyebrows raised

Winter rolled her eyes not wanting to answer her question. She expected Giselle or even Ningning to ask about the ruckus earlier but Winter guessed they're trying to avoid the topic

"How did you know we were here?" Ningning inquired

"Texted Giselle," Karina answered

She took a seat on the other table and put it beside Winter. She sat there as she wrinkled her nose, Winter realized it must be one of her habit as well.

"Can I sip on yours?" Karina made puppy eyes on Winter


Karina took it and sipped until she got brainfreeze.

"Hah," Winter couldn't believe it

"That was nice," Karina smiled as she handed back the empty boba tea on Winter's hand

"You can't accept a 'no' do you?" Winter grimaced


"Okay, lovebirds! Let's go shopping now!" Giselle stood up excitedly

"You're going shopping again?" Karina frowned

"What? It's my money," Giselle answered

"Riri you have to save up but anyways we'll still come with you," Karina stood up as well

"It's not like I'm giving you a choice though," Giselle chuckled


"Don't you think this will fit me?" Giselle's having a hard time picking, she's two seconds away from breaking down

"Does she usually gets so stress over this?" Ningning inquired

"She's always so dramatic when it comes to buying clothes, I'm so done with her." Karina took a cigarette out of her pocket

"Hey, are you seriously going to smoke here? We're inside the mall," Winter admonish

"Who cares?" Karina puts the tip of the cigarrete on her parted lips, just about to light it up when Winter took it and put it inside her pocket

"Hey! I'm stressed," Karina whined

"Smoking won't give you the satisfaction, and we're in public! If someone sees you, your perfect school image will fall to pieces," Winter said in gritted teeth

"So you do care about me?" Karina giggled

Winter cleared her throat, "No, I don't care about you, I care about my health! I don't want to inhale your smoke," She reasoned

"Okay babe~" Karina laughed teasingly

"Ningning don't you think this will fit you? OMG let's go to a fitting room, you should try this!" Giselle excitedly pulled Ningning's wrist as they both walked away

Karina approached Winter slowly as she pokes her cheeks

"The hell?" Winter slapped her hand lightly

"Do you want to eat?" Karina asked

Winter averted her gaze, not wanting to make an eye contact.


"Okay, do you wanna date?" She asked again

"Didn't you say you're straight?," Winter was weirded out by her actions

"I don't remember saying that," Karina faced Winter to force her to look into her eyes

Winter meet her eyes eventhough she's nervous for no apparent reason, she was hypnotized by Karina's brown hazel eyes.

They stared at each other for a few seconds, until Winter realizes that their faces are only a few more inch to each other

A smirked formed on her lips, "You're too brave, huh? In the middle of all these people? What are you trying to do?" Winter scoffed

Karina blinked a couple of times, an amused smile showed up to her face.

"Damn, I really have no effect on you?" Karina wrinkled her nose

Winter chuckled, "I guess not,"

They were interrupted by the sudden ringing of Winter's phone.

Her eyes grew darker when she saw the caller ID, Karina noticed her hand slowly clenching with anger.

The frustration and irritation from Winter's face faded as it turned into confusion and worry.

"Where are you? Don't do something stupid I'll come as quickly as I can!" Winter ended the call, gripping on her phone tightly she ran away without even looking back

Karina was taken aback, the joy she felt before suddenly disappeared just because of a one stupid phone call

She tried calling Winter's name but the girl didn't look back. She ran straight until she's disappeared from Karina's sight

Karina took her phone out to call her but she then remembered she haven't asked for Winter's number yet

"Goddamn it!" Karina cursed under her deep breaths

Winter didn't even told her where she'll go, the girl just straight up sprinted to nowhere without saying anything.

Karina became worried, she wanted to follow her but at the same time, she doesn't know where to start.

"Jimin! What the hell are you shouting there?!" Giselle emerged

"Where's Winter?" Ningning asked cluelessly

Karina looked at them sharply, she doesn't understand why she's so pissed and irritated.

"Someone called her then she just... ran away." Karina replied with a sigh

"Do you know where she might be, Ningning?" Karina added


"Who could that be?" Karina bits her fingernails while thinking deeply

"We were having our moment earlier then that mf suddenly calls," She irritatedly said

Giselle laughed hysterically, "So you're pissed because your moment with Winter was ruined? Come on, that's selfish! Winter probably had an emergency, we can just wait for her at home."

"We were getting close!" Karina scowled

Giselle and Ningning puts their arms around Karina's shoulder to comfort her, with a mix of teasing and insult really.

"You have a lot of time to do that, I can tell Winter's enjoying your presence," Giselle stated

"Really?" Karina sounded so thrilled, "I just hope so,"

Miss Pessimistic | winrina/jiminjeongWhere stories live. Discover now