Chapter 22

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"Hey," Karina greeted the girl as she sat on the vacant seat infront of her

"Hey," Winter greeted back in a weak voice

Karina started fidgeting while looking around, she can't find the other girls and her sister.

"They went in the horror house again," Winter sniffs, she got a snot because of crying earlier

"I see," Karina replied, feeling awkward

"About what I said-"

"No, you were right. I was too bold to tell you that and here I am looking like a piece of crap," Winter chuckled bitterly

"No, I wanted to say sorry. I'm being insensitive and stuff... you must be traumatized. Afterall I was the one who insisted to go there," Karina looked away when Winter meet her eyes

"I'm not exactly traumatized, I'm rather petrified I think I'll have nightmares but thanks for your concern though," Winter laughed a little, and it made Karina feel at ease

"Those fools wanted to see what I saw in the horror house earlier that's why they went inside," Winter brought up after a long silence

"What a bunch of idiots," Karina laughed

"Yeah, Ryujin and Yuna said they'll punch it for making me cry." Winter couldn't help but to cackle as she remembers the exact words she told them when they asked what happened to her

Karina couldn't help herself but to be mesmerized by Winter's beauty looking outside the parlor's window.

"They are really sweet, and kinda dumb too." Winter scratched her nape feeling shy by the pair of eyes infront of her

Karina wouldn't lie, she thought the world froze at the moment Winter flashed her warm smile at her.

*thump thump*

Karina held her chest as she chased her breath, she thought she was going to die. Those two beats felt like her heart stopped for a second

"Winter..." She called in a monotone voic

Winter hummed in response as they intensely gaze at each other

"I think I-"

Karina was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Beomgyu. She almost thank him for stopping her from what she was about to say.

Karina looked away, feeling perplexed about what she feels. She glanced at Winter who's now talking to Beomgyu before her eyes went back outside the window inhaling deep breaths.

"Do you feel fine now?" Beomgyu asked in a worried tone

"Yes, thank you! I owe you!" Winter smiled sweetly at the boy

She's not really good at socializing and she's rarely nice to people. But then it's different to Beomgyu eventhough they only met three months ago

"You owe me a date then," Beomgyu smirked

Winter already expected him to say that.

"No, she don't owe you shit!" Karina snarled at the boy

"Why are you always against us? I only wanted to know more about her, I'm not going to harm your friend." Beomgyu defended himself

"I already told you I'm her g-girlfriend," Karina stammered nervously

"Bummer! You don't act like couples, you act more like bestfriends." Beomgyu replied

Karina rolled her eyes and looked away when she noticed Winter's blank stares at her.

"Fine, do whatever you want." Karina whispered half-heartedly

Before Winter could even give her answer, Karina has stood up to walk out of the scene.

She bumped onto Yeonjun outside who was busy with his phone causing it to fall to the ground.

"Oh man!" Yeonjun yelped

"You're in the way!" Karina glared at him

He stopped her by the arm, "Can we talk?"

"We're already talking," Karina sarcastically replied

"I mean about us," Yeonjun is getting annoyed, he wanted to ask himself how did he stood by her side in a month

"There IS no us, Yeonjun! There WAS no us, and there WILL never be us,"

"Walk away and I'll tell everyone you're gay," Yeonjun threatened

"Honestly, fuck you Yeonjun!" Karina cussed

"I'm sorry I'm gay, I couldn't take to do that." Yeonjun spilled

Karina's jaw dropped at the revelation.

"Where are we going to talk?"

They ended up riding the ferris wheel.

"So, care to share. How did that happen?" Karina intrigued

"I'm not entirely gay but-"

"You're bullshitting me Yeonjun I swear I'll jump off this cab," Karina threatened, eyes widening at the latter

"Will you shut up and listen to me?" Yeonjun shushed

"Okay so, after our breakup I realized I'm bisexual but more into boys than girls. Our relationship is more like a confirmation that I'm 'you know' and I wanted to thank you for that because now I'm dating my current boyfriend who loves me more than anyone," Yeonjun happily said, yet he still looks like a straight male

"Do you really told me this because you wanted to thank me or is there more?" Karina curiously said, raising her eyebrows at the boy

"Well the thing is..." Yeonjun became serious, "Eversince we're dating I already knew you're as straight as a circle and you know a circle isn't straight so I hope you get what I mean and uhm I figured you don't know that yourself but you give me gay vibes you know? Don't worry I'm not trying to get ahead of you, I can tell you're really afraid to come out." Yeonjun explained

Karina gasped in shock, "I'm not gay or lesbian or bisexual Yeonjun! You know that!" She defensively said

Yeonjun sighed in defeat, "Fine. You'll figure it out yourself anyways, still thank you though for letting me speak to you."

"No worries, your secret is safe with me." Karina replied as she looked outside the cab, deep in thoughts

They quietly stood up when the cab opened and new customers came in.

Yeonjun was about to bid his goodbye when a question made him hide his smirk.

"When and how did you know you like boys more than girls?" Karina asked with furrowed eyebrows

She figured... she hasn't really been attracted to boys more than she did with girls... or more like how she did with Winter.

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