Chapter 34

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"Happy graduation to us!"

Giselle enclasp the three of them for a group hug. It was hell, five years of college was something they wouldn't want to experience again. Who would've thought they will make it out altogether when their group had the genius, the procrastinator, the loudmouth and a bonhomie who had no interest in studying.

It was astonishing, they almost gave up halfway but here they are, standing strong with a sentimental feeling crawling in their chest.

"Congrats Engr. Kim!" Karina whispered on her ears.

"Not yet love, but thanks! Congrats to you too Engr. Yu." Winter slyly smiled

Karina frowned, "I never thought I'll have to do this, now that I've graduated from this course I hope Mr. Yu will let me assimilate the modelling industry,"

"You have all the freedom to do what you want after another year, a little more love?" Winter cheered her up

Karina's plan on becoming a model three years ago went to vain, for a reason that Mr. Yu; her father, didn't want her to enter that industry unless she finishes college and work for his company for a year, until then will he let the girl be.

They never got to buy their own apartment but since they're already starting off, it'll come to life anytime soon.

They had a preconception of their future jobs, they became an intern afterall and Karina hated all of it! She and Winter would only see each other every sunday because of their busy schedules, though the younger would only sleep her entire sunday for a reason that's she's burned-out.

Karina understands, she always do and always will.

"Soon, I'll see your ravishing visage on one of the billboards on the way home, and I couldn't wait for that day to come Jimin." Winter slander

Karina slaps her arms, "You can't tell... you might only see me on a magazine, a billboard is big! It will take a while for me to get to that level," Her face heated just by the thought of it.

Winter loves her embarassed look, she will never get tired of seeing her flustered reactions.

They're together for four years. They were strong, growing, whether they be together or apart; the trust they give to each other is what matters.

Four years of being together, and yet the attraction they feel towards one another were nowhere near the ending, it only grew potently each and everyday.

"To more years with you," That was the last thing Karina heard as the entire world gravitated onto her in the form of Winter's lips pressed flush against hers

A touch so gentle, they've make out several times and yet everytime their lips meet it had the same effect as the first and more, the world will fall away, they would forget how to breathe while the butterflies on their stomachs would flow all around their system

"To more years with you my love," Karina whispered back, chasing her breath after retreating with the french kiss they shared

"I can't believe I have to see that," Ningning recoiled

Winter and Karina giggled, "Go ask for your girlfriend a kiss, you're obviously jealous."

"Not here, we're in school." Ningning pinched Karina's side

"We're graduates! Who fucking cares if we're in school!" Karina snickered

"Aw, my baby wants a kiss? Come on I'll give you some," Giselle butted in with their frisky moment

"Giselle stop! You're going to regret it if I give you a hickey again," Ningning threatened

Karina and Winter cackled at what she said, the memory is still vivid in their mind. It was the fourth semester and Giselle was late, she walked into their room with bruises all over her neck, turns out they had a wild night before.

"That was hot! Ningning is something, damn! Have I ever planted that many hickey on your neck Karina?" Winter joked

"Well, that's what a dominant top do!" Ningning boasted

She and Giselle became official exactly at Winter and Karina's first year anniversary, they anticipated it! The two had fires in their eyes when they look at each other, good thing it all worked out just fine. Here they are, always going on a double date.

"Dominant top huh?" Giselle scoffed, "Don't you mean a switch top?"

Karina and Winter shouted in glee.

"I'm still a top, okay?" Ningning pouted

"No, I'm the top!" Giselle obstruct

"No! I am!" Then Ningning

And so on, "They just never drop that thing, why does it matter who's the top and the bottom?" Winter sighed loudly, and the two girls heard it

"Just because Karina lets you be the top everytime doesn't mean you're dominant! Asshat!" Ningning crosses her arms on her chest, wearing an annoying smirk on her face

"How did she know I'm-" Winter cuts her own sentence when she saw the small smile etched on the older female's lips.

Karina quickly clings on Winter's arms because she knew it will lead to an endless physical fight again.

"You just wait until I get my hands on you, Ning Yizhuo!" Winter threatened with Karina stopping her from behind

"And fyi, I let Karina be the top sometimes! I can't believe they're this canny with talking about sex stuff," Winter murmured which only reached Karina's ears

Karina's face heated instantly by her remark, the girl is really something

"We should celebrate, later! Let's throw a party, shall we?" Giselle gasped in excitement whilst Ningning agreed.

"We might come late, me and Winter have something to do!" Karina wiggled her eyebrows

"It better not be se-" Giselle was quick enough to seal Ningning's lips, the girl has an unbelievable mouth.

"Go on, I know you want to have your little alone time." Giselle waved her hand at the two as they walk on the opposite path

They wouldn't go on a date. They would only hang out on the most tranquil place they know which is the cemetery.

"I'll buy the lilacs," Winter offered

It was her mother's favourite flower, and everytime they visit her in her graveyard; a lilac shouldn't be truant.

"If only mom is still alive, she would be so proud of me." Karina rests her head on Winter's shoulders as they sat on a near bench to take a quick break

Winter patted her head, "I'm sure she's proud of the person you have become.. I am so proud of you Karina, we all are." She soothed

And those words, never failed to comfort her. As long as Winter is there, as long as she's always there to support and guide her throughout her journey, then everything will go decently.

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