Chapter 53

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"Oh, Karina? You're here?" Winter just woke up when she exited the guest room. The older female was the first person to greet her.

"It's already 2 in the afternoon," The girl replied while sipping on an iced americano. Her back facing Winter.

"Is that so? I didn't notice, where are the others?" Winter sat down on the sofa as she started tapping on her phone

To her dismay, Lia haven't been texting or calling since last night. She promised she wouldn't disturb her plus she'll be beside her anytime now anyways

"Yuna and Ryujin are at their coffee shop, Ningning is packing her bags. Maybe you should too." Karina sat beside her

Strange. Really strange.

Winter never wanted to meet her again; maybe she did but it was subtle and she doesn't want to admit it but because this is a reunion she knew it will happen whether she want it or not

"I said in the letter that when I meet you again I'll tell you how much you mean to me." Karina started, eyes locking at the city buildings

Winter glanced at her, "You don't have to. We don't have to talk about that." She halted her

"Did you kept my letter?" Karina met her eyes.


Winter slowly nodded her head. There goes the feeling of uneasiness that Winter had always covet not to give her when they meet. She wanted it to be light but she doesn't want her to be a part of her life anymore

Karina is still a Yu; and she looks just like her father who she despises too much.

"Thank you. It was you who inspired me to reach my dreams. I'm a model now, you know?" Karina smiled, the smile which Winter always likes. Well, she used to.

The younger shook her head in disapproval. She stood up.

"You did it because you are you. You did it not because of me or anyone else. I'm happy you reached that dream. I'm gonna start packing now." Winter turned around and a girl with cat-like eyes was too close to her face, she flinched

The girl tilted her head a litte as if inspecting Winter's whole visual.

"So, you're the ex?" She muttered while obnoxiously chewing her gum

Winter looked away but she didn't move although their proximity is just as small as an ant

"Yeji, how long have you been there?" Karina stood up and approached her

Yeji smirked. She composed herself and walked passed Winter to engulf Karina with a hug

She planted plenty of kisses on top of the girl's head while making eye contact with Winter.

The latter rolled her eyes at the sight. PDA. Karina seems to be liking it too.

Good thing her phone rang, it saved her from that hellish interaction. Yeji is too intimidating for her.

"Lia!" Her beam grew wide

"The flight's cancelled." The girl frustratedly sigh

"Oh?" Winter tried not to sound too disappointed but her tone failed her

"I'm sorry baby but don't worry I'm with Taehyun. We'll be there before you know it." Lia cheered her up

Winter faked a smile. She can sense Yeji and Karina looking at her but she didn't mind them.

"It's okay doll, make sure to eat before your flight. Tell Taehyun to stop drinking just this once." She stated

Lia chukled, "I will."

"I love you. I'm gonna start packing now."

"Love u!" She replied

Winter ended the call, she trudged her way towards the guest room where she slept last night, Yeji followed without her noticing

"Doll? That's a weird ass endearment." She had her arms leaning on the door

Winter rolled her eyes, "Why are you acting like we're close?"

"We're not. I'm just saying, don't give Karina false hope." She retorted and walked out

Winter's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"The fuck?"

Her phone rang and she immediately picked it up. It's Lia again.

But this time she sent a voicemail.

Winter looked for her headphones and when she found it she laid her back on the bed and played the audio.

Lia's voice.

Her raspy voice has always been Winter's favourite music, the sweetest song to her ears

Winter closed her eyes and remembered her face through her memory. From under Lia's unkempt and chocoate brown hair peeked eyes of hazel and honey. They shone like sunlight on polished stone and Winter had always wanted to stare at them and get lost at her gaze

She opened her eyes and played the voicemail again and again.

Until unconciousness succumbed her to sleep.


Winter woke up by a continuous knock of her door, it wasn't loud but was enough to came back to her senses.

She reached for her phone as she quickly sat up in shock

It's 10 pm. Crap!

She hurriedly took her suitcases and shove whatever she could grab inside it.

She fell asleep. She shouldn't have and now she's late, they were supposed to meet with the others.

"Winter, open up!" She heard Karina banging the door one more time

"Just a minute!"

She went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, she didn't care if her hair is in disheveled and all over the place

She opened the door and a bored Karina  quickly pulled her and pushed her again but this time with a dress on her hand

"Change to that! The party hasn't started yet so we still have time, hurry up Ningning's already there!" Karina closed the door for her

Winter's eyes widened when she stretched the dress. It's too revealing for her own taste.

"Hell no!"

Miss Pessimistic | winrina/jiminjeongWhere stories live. Discover now