Chapter 19

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It's been four hours since the cafe opened and Karina's not going to lie, it was getting exhausting. Starting from the customers pay their bills, and sometimes would ask for her number to serving them coffees and foods table to table. It was hard but everytime her eyes lands on Winter, the tiredness she feels magically fades away

Ryujin tries her best to help Karina but even she can't help herself because she have to bake and bake.

Winter finished the calculus homework and she already feel drained. She walked towards Karina who looks just as drained as her.

"Hey," She greeted with a small smile

"Hey, you done?" Karina greeted back

"Yeah, you should rest." Winter approached her and took Karina's apron herself along with the hairnet to put it on hers

"I don't think I would be able to rest knowing that girl is here. Her energy is enough to drain my whole being," Karina narrowed her eyes at Yuna who was busy smiling outside the window like she's in some commercial

Winter chukled a bit, "She's hyper-active, it's cute."

"How come she's cute and I'm not." Karina started throwing tantrums at her

"Stop! Just go over there and sit your ass down," Winter stifled a smile


Winter nodded in satisfaction when Karina sat infront of Yuna, and as usual the girl started pestering Karina making her frown grew wider.

Winter laughed at the sight, she thought they look really close.

Winter's memories flashed back from where she first met Karina, she never thought she'll get close to her, not even one bit. She always thought not to make friends in college and just focus on studying since everyone will just break her trust leaving her betrayed in the end.

And yet, here she was opening her heart once more to accept the two girls who changed her life in just 2 months. Nevertheless, she didn't regret having them to be apart of her.

"Excuse me? Miss?" Winter snapped back to reality when somebody waves their hand infront of her

"Oh, I'm sorry. What was your order again?" Winter blinked several times, her eyes squinting because of how bright the sunlight was behind the boy

"It's fine, two americanos please, and your number as well, my friend wants to know." The boy scratched her nape, embarassment written all over his face

"Sorry, I'm on shift." Winter replied awkwardly

"Well, you can just write it on a tissue when you bring the drinks on our table," The boy is persistent

Winter sighed in defeat, she can't make a fuss knowing that she's in the middle of work. She needs to be professional, how would she last at her job if she gets impatient real quick

"Yes, of course! You can go!" Winter forced a smile

A few minutes later, she called the table number of those boys and they all went to the countertable with wide smiles.

One boy even brushed his hand on Winter's on purpose making the girl feel uncomfortable. Then they all went back to their table making Winter sigh in relief

Not for long, one of them came back again with a shy smile etched on his face, it was the one who purposedly brushed his hand on her.

"Yes? What is it?" Winted tried not to forced her happy voice but failed miserably

"Uhm.. can I get your number?" The boy shyly asked, gulping making his adam's apple visibly move up and down

Winter for once thought it was kind of attractive, she almost thought she's asexual and here she is getting attracted by a random customer

'I mean there's nothing wrong if I give him my number right?' Winter thought for the first time

But they were interrupted by someone, "No, sorry she can't give you her number." Karina emerged with a stone cold expression, she's been observing Winter since earlier and she doesn't like the stares the boys are giving at her

"Uh? Who are you?" The boy squinted his eyes at the girl

"I'm her girlfriend," Karina bluntly said, making Winter's eyes widen

"Oh... that's suprising." The boy scratched her head, sounding a little disappointed and was about to move back when another boy came to the frame and stood infront of Karina

"Jimin, it's been awhile? How have you been?" the blue haired boy greeted

Karina seemed surprised, "Yeonjun,"

"Glad you still remember my name," Yeonjun smiled sheepishly

Winter looked at the both of them alternatively with a confused expression

"So, are you still free? We didn't have a proper breakup, can I ask for some closure?" Yeonjun was about to reach on Karina's hair but Winter abruptly stopped him

They both looked at the girl in curiosity.

"Karina is taken," Winter said sternly

Karina squeals internally she's expecting Winter to claim her, good timing Ryujin walked out of the kitchen with tray on her hands

"Really? By who?" Yeonjun asked, eyes getting darker

"By Ryujin," Winter revealed

Karina's jaw dropped, Yeonjun was perplexed as who is she referring to and Ryujin who heard the whole thing almost tripped and choked in her own saliva

"WHAT?!" Karina and Ryujin exclaimed simultaneously

Miss Pessimistic | winrina/jiminjeongWhere stories live. Discover now