Chapter 17

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The next few days went smoothly, there was never a day where they didn't argue over petty matters just like they always do.

Giselle and Ningning were both surprised when Karina started hanging out with them again but they didn't ask what made her change her mind, there were times where Karina would space out and everytime she do they all get worried.

"So, I have some things to take care of. You can wait for me at home, here are my keys." Winter gave them the house key which only Ningning accepted

"Where have you been going? Ugh, I swear you always go out and then come home late for a whole week now," Karina whined, approaching the latter as she rests her head on her shoulder

Winter rolled her eyes, "It's just something important okay?"

They were interrupted by a group of friends when somebody snatched Karina's wrists away from Winter

"Well, look who's here?" a random girl claps her hand, with a smug smile on her face

Winter quickly recognized them, it was Karina's old friends.

"What are you guys doing here?" Karina asked, trying her best to get away from the hold of them

"Let her go, you're hurting her!" Winter growled when she saw how one of her friends tightly gripped on her wrist where she got fresh slits

Karina's face was in pain, she bit her lip to stops herself from saying anything or making any noise

"Aww, you're worried of the girl who fooled you?" One person approached her as she harshly pointed her index finger on Winter's shoulder

"Karina only fooled you for money! Now we're taking her back since you're getting all comfy... this is just a bet Winter." The girl smirked

Winter laughed hysterically, everybody looked at her in amusement

"Wow, what a bunch of weirdos! I already knew that, Karina won the bet? Then give her the prize, she would hang out with who she wants at the end of the day, so fine! Get out of my way, I have no business here!" Winter walked out bumping on each of everyone's shoulders

Karina had a small smile etched on her lips, her heart pounded hardly when Winter winked at her and walked out.

"You will come back to our class tomorrow and you will stop hanging out with that loser!" her 'friend' said in gritted teeth

"Stop gritting your teeth at me, are you not ashamed? Every students are looking at you in fear..." Karina slowly whispered on the girl's ears, "I will not come back, I already stopped being your puppet when you made me do that 'bet'," she added

"Excuse us, but we have some things to catch on! Hope I won't see you again," Giselle enthusiastically said as she snatched Karina out of their clasp

They all rushed outside the campus with heavy breaths.

"Where are we going? Why are we running?" Karina asked

"We're going to follow Winter," Ningning said excitedly

"What? I don't see her anywhere, how are we going to follow her?" Karina huffed

"We might have an idea," Giselle looked at Ningning and they both nodded her head

"We're basically stalking her, you guys know that?" Karina rolled her eyes but the idea also excites her

"Don't be a killjoy, let's go!!" Ningning and Giselle ran again while Karina followed with a wide smile on her face

"Hey! We will discuss about the bet they're talking about earlier, you better explain yourself," Ningning squinted her eyes as she jokingly motioned 'you are dead' to Karina

Miss Pessimistic | winrina/jiminjeongWhere stories live. Discover now