Chapter 55||| Fear

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Y/n's P.O.V
Location: Castle of Lions
Time: 1am in the Morning

As the hours passed I couldn't get a wink of sleep. I was in pain, it's been happening for a few weeks but didn't say a word to the team only to Shiro.

My bones ached with each passing moment, I felt my arms weaken and felt sick to my stomach. If I even moved an inch a sudden pain would wash over me. I lay there not moving, not wanting to get up or do anything, I thought to myself about why this pain started.

"Did I eat anything weird these past few weeks other than Altean food? No, did I drink anything weird? Just water. I didn't break any of my bones to cause this, could one of my organs be damaged? No, my abilities wouldn't let that happen, they would heal by themselves without any problems. So what is it?" I thought to myself as I lay there letting the hours fly by. Next thing I knew, it was 5am. "Already? Last time I checked it was 2,.....I think."

I begrudgingly got up and got dressed, I sat on my bed for awhile not moving due to the pain. Even a blink would cause my organs to feel like their going through a rollercoaster.

As I was pushing myself off my bed, my leg gave out and my face hit the cold floor. "Shit." I whispered to myself.

When I tried getting up my body wouldn't move, my eyes widened as panic suddenly hit me. I tried moving my head, arms, legs, anything but nothing happened. Even with my abilities activated, my body wasn't budging but I still kept trying. I suddenly started spitting out blood, I kept coughing and coughing up blood to the point where I thought I was gonna cough out my lung.

I looked at my helmet, through the visor on my helmet I saw the color leave my face and turn pale as the more blood that left my body. One of my eyes was covered in blood to the point that it gave the world a red hue to my darkly lit room. When I tried to cry for help my voice was raspy and no sound would come out.

All I could do was grit my teeth in pain and hope that the pain would go away. I looked at my door hoping the light of the hallway would light up my room in just hoping that someone would come in.

But no one did.

"You're not alone."

A .....Dream......?

I was in the woods, the smell of pine trees filling my nose. I looked around and saw the trees taller than the eyes could see, they spread throughout the entire plane. I slowly put my foot in front of another as I followed a dirt path which lead me to a cottage.

Instead of the smell of pine tree, it got replaced with the smell of food. Smoke came out of the cottage's chimney, the sound of child laughter bouncing off the trees and sounded like it was all around me. Beautiful flowers were on each side of the path that lead to the house and each step I took the flowers would grow more rapidly and covered any grass in sight.

I reached the door and was about to grab the doorknob when I fell through the floor, I screamed as I fell and felt my body hit the ground.

"This feels a little....too real." I said to myself when I noticed where I was. "Not again." I said softly as I looked around. Most of my dreams or nightmares would lead back to this place, no matter what was going on inside the dream it lead back here on this planet.

The skies turned gray with no color in them, there was a huge wall with a Galra symbol on it. I turned away from the wall and in the middle of this base was a huge gun that raised from the ground with purple energy sparking off of it.

Space Love ||| Voltron Shiro x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now