Chapter 5||| A Pit Stop

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Y/n's P.O.V
Location: Castle of Lions, 6pm in earth time

I took a deep breath as Shiro opened the door and everyone was there.

"Team this is....some the new people I've met."

A guy that looked like Shiro's brother immediately looked directly at me and walked up to then with a swift motion he was about to punch me when I immediately ducked holding back from punching him when Alina hit him with her stuffed animal puffing out her cheeks.

"Keith, step back."
"Never touch him, ag-"

'Keith' then walked off and sat down on the couch. Shiro sighing as Alina shook her head, 'Keith' not realizing there was a kid felt a little guilty and crossed his arms. I then stood up straight holding Alina close to me, worried on how the others will react.

"Like I was saying, please introduce yourself."
"Hi! I'm Alina!! This is Y/n!"

I waved at them as Alina waved. The rest smiled at us as Shiro walked in and motioned us to go in as well.

"Well I'm princess Allura and this Coran."

They both waved as I bowed down and Alina just followed confused making me laugh a little.

"Oh you don't have to! It's okay!"
"You're the princess."

I then looked at her and gave her a smile then straightened back up and so did Alina.

"Hey I'm Hunk, this is Pidge, Lance, and Keith."

I waved to everyone as Alina ran up to everyone and shook their hand making me chuckle at her. When I looked at Keith and he looked up at me, he had pretty dark purple eyes.

"Hey, um sorry for almost punching you."
"It's no problem. I knew you wanted to protect, Shiro."

He nodded looking down as Alina walked back to me. Sighing knowing we'd have to leave, I looked around then at Alina who was smiling happily.

"I'm happy I got to meet you but I'll just fix my ship and leave, no need to bother you all."
"No, you can stay as long as you can!"

I looked up at Allura shocked, speechless. All she did was smile at me.

"Here, Hunk and I will help!"

Pidge got up and so did Hunk as they started walking towards me as Allura smiled and went to Alina.

"And I'll clean her up! While you go with Pidge and Hunk!"

Pidge grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door as Alina grabbed Allura's hand waving goodbye to me, Lance got up and followed Hunk.

"Come on, no time to waste, Y/n!"

Pidge then got out of the room still dragging me as Shiro followed for some reason not knowing why but I didn't question it. "If only they knew, they'd kick me out of this castle."

As soon as we got out to my ship, Pidge let go of my arm and looked at the ship and examined it. So did Hunk looking around the whole ship as I stood there confused.

"If we fix that part up, Hunk....."

Hunk and Pidge started to mumble to themselves making Lance laugh, sighing I then walked towards the ship's hatch and opened it. Jumping in, the whole ship moved causing Hunk and Pidge to jump I then started to walk around. The ship was big, easy for 5-10 people to stay in, but half of the ship was broken from the crash so I stayed away from the front half of the ship.

"Get back here!"

I sighed looking at Hunk who was worried that something might jump out at me. I kept looking around seeing if anything was broken in the rest of the ship, surprisingly nothing was too badly broken except from the front.

I heard footsteps from outside of the room I was in, opening the door I looked around. It was just Shiro, sighing I walked out of the room and closed the room door and walked towards him.

"Y/n, there you are. Hunk was getting worried anyways this is your ship."

Shiro chuckled shaking his head, I smiled at him and chuckled as well to not make it awkward.

"Let's go back to the others."

I nodded walking towards the ships opening. Shiro then followed looking around while doing so, finally leaving the ship I noticed Pidge wasn't there when I looked up Pidge was in his lion.

"Move out the way!"

Shiro grabbed my arm and ran pulling me to the side, my face turned a light shade of pink when he was grabbing my arm. Then as soon as we were out of the way he let go of my arm, I avoided to make eye connect with him. Pidge then picked up my ship and placed it on down carefully, I got up and started to walk to Lance and Hunk.

"Y/n, your ship is ruined."
"Sadly, yeah."

Sighing and seeing how bad the damage is. Pidge then jumped out of the lion.

"Let's start fixing!"

Pidge then went in the ship as everyone nodded.


At least 2 hours have passed, we fixed the ship surprisingly. I turned towards Pidge and noticed that he was anxious and worried.

Everyone was at a near by village claiming peace, but Shiro was with some prisoners that crash landed here a day ago.

"Pidge is something wrong?"
"Oh uh, no..."

I sighed and sat on the floor, I pat the floor in front of me mentioning him to sit. He sat in front of me still looking down.

"Is everything alright?"
"Just.....-sighs- my brother and dad are out in space and I need to find them. But I have no lead on them."

I was in deep thought then looked back at my ship and then thought of the screens that powered the ship when I got an idea. I grabbed Pidge's arm and ran to the ship. I ran in still holding Pidge's arm as I sat down on the pilot seat and typed some words onto the screen which made a USB port pop up.

"We can use my ship to find your brother and dad."
"Yes! Thanks you!"

Pidge ran out of the ship to get his computer making me chuckle. As I watched Pidge run away I just closed my eyes resting for bit, a little stressed to say the least when I opened my eyes I saw Shiro walk into the room making me jump.

"Hope you meant to do that!"
"To scare you? Not at all, it was an accident."

Sighing I shook my head as Shiro walked closer to me. I then smiled at him not knowing what to say since I'm an awkward and unsociable person, Shiro just smiled back making me flustered. I got up from the floor and stood next to Shiro.

"I think I can get some info on my past in the ship's core."
"You don't remember your past?"
"No, I just remember awaking up back on Earth..."

I looked down feeling bad for him, I wanted to forget my past like him. I then shivered at my old memories, I crossed my arms and closed my eyes.

"Y/n? Y/n? Y/n!"

My head shot up at Shiro. He chuckled to himself while I blushed of embarrassment wanting to hide in a hole.

"Sorry, I guess I got lost in thought once you said that you had no memories of your past."
"It's fine ju-"

Before Shiro can finish his sentence Pidge came running back with his computer connecting the ship to his computer. I looked at Pidge and then back at Shiro, I gave a polite smile to him and he just smiled back.

"Where do we start, Pidge..."

(A/N: Yo Sorry this took some time to post the chapters. But I tried to make the chapter a bit longer then I intended to write.

Love, H)

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