Chapter 23||| Green Thumb

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Third Person P.O.V
Location: The Castle of Lions, 1pm Earth Time

"These repairs won't fix themselves. Let's get a move on before we get attacked." Y/n said into the comms as he was typing something in the Castle's cockpit.

"Okay the panels are off what now?"
"Very simple just loosen the blaxums on the somoflange."

Hunk looked very confused on what Coran told him to do.

"I've got to learn what fuck you are saying Coran." Y/n continued to type on the screen, the comment made Coran laugh which was nice.

"Could you be more specific?"
"Sorry Hunk, he means the poklones on the agroclams."
"That didn't help either!"

Allura and Coran just sighed, rolling their eyes.

"Move Hunk, I got this." Lance then got right in front of the panel. He then touched something that he shouldn't have and the panel started to glow red and sent an alarm throughout the castle. "Uh-oh, that doesn't sound good."

"Not the smalters, the poklones!"
"No it's the blaxums!"

Y/n rolled his eyes and started to type something even faster. "You both aren't helping!"

Pidge moved Lance out the way then fixed the panels herself. "There fixed." Pidge then pressed a button turning everything back to normal.

"Well done Pidge!"
"This tech will never cease to amaze me!"

Pidge then kept talking about how amazing the ship was and was very advanced compared to Earth.

"It's not a sunset, Pidge." Lance put his hands on his hips and looked at her.

"You're right. A billion sunsets happen everyday. I just can't believe someone actually made this." Pidge just sighed as the panel disappeared back into the castle.

"Kinda looks like a curly fry." Hunk smiled mouth watering when something hit his helmet causing him to snap out of his trance. "What the?" Some snowball/asteroid thing hit Hunk on the head. It seemed to do nothing but more of them kept coming at the team in a slow pace.

"Alright, we're prepared for this. Remember your rouge projectile cluster training from the garrison. First we need to find a shelter." Shiro put his shield up as he said that facing the snowball look alike when one hit the back of his helmet. "Wha- -"

"Sorry Shiro, I meant to hit Keith." Lance just playfully smirked.

"Like that?" Keith then hit Lance right in the face.

"Yes! Squishy asteroid fight!" Hunk then jumped in the air, well floated in the air with two of the asteroids in his hands.

They all smirked and looked at each other and started to throw asteroids at each other laughing and having fun. Pidge didn't take part of it and just floated there waiting for them to finish.

"Okay, guys-Oh okay now it's on!" Shiro said with a smile on his face as someone hit him in the back.

Pidge then looked at the asteroids and studied them.

"Coran, I'm gonna need a containment unit."
"Just a tick."

Allura looked at her screen which had the weird asteroids on screen.

"They appear to be some sort of hyper-resilient spore."
"This bioluminescent pulsing doesn't seem natural. It appears programmed almost like a code."

Pidge put one of the asteroid thing in a containment unit that Coran had sent out.

"A code from who?" Y/n then started to research what the castle had of these asteroid look alikes.

Space Love ||| Voltron Shiro x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now