Chapter 10||| Could we Make it in Time?

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Third Person P.O.V
Location: Castle of Lions, 50 mins till the castle takes off

"I pity you, I wonder if your race has the same fighting spirit as you."

As Sendak was talking to Shiro, Pidge was overhearing the conversation hiding from eye sight. When Y/n started walking/running to the control room.

"I'LL FUCKING MURDER HIM!" He thought his face all red with anger but he also didn't have a plan once he got to the control room. But before Pidge could do anything Y/n ran in kicking the door open.


Everyone in the control room looked at him. Shiro and Alina were relieved but Sendak was furious when he saw Y/n.

"Come at me Bargain! YOU CAN NEVER BEAT ME!"
"You always had a big ego!"

Sendak ran at Y/n trying to attack him. Y/n then immediately jumped to the side then on his head and stabbed his neck again, he jumped back onto the floor running to Shiro and Alina.

"You both okay?"
"Thanks, Y/n."

Shiro nodded and smiled as he said that, Y/n thought to himself, "Fuck he looked cu-"

"Alina, you okay? Did he hurt you?"
"I'm fine."

Y/n noticed both of them were in handcuffs, he looked around trying to find a key when something hit Y/n's back making him fall to the ground in front of Shiro.

He turned to face Sendak while still on the ground. Sendak then stepped on Y/n's stomach, Sendak had a knife in his hand and stabbed Y/n in the arm.

"You were always weak, Zarkon picked the wrong person."

Y/n spat on Sendak's face, which made Sendak furious. He grabbed Y/n's leg then threw him towards a wall, he hit the wall making a big dent in it and then got stuck in the wall.

As Y/n was about to get off the wall Sendak ran at him and punched him in the gut. Y/n spit out blood due to the punch and started to cough, to get Sendak off Y/n kicked him in the chest. It didn't affect anything but just make him step back and lose his balance. Y/n jumped off the wall and sweep kicked Sendak. He hit the floor with a BANG! Y/n grabbed his knife from his own arm and was getting into a fighting stance. He then got shot in the chest causing him to fall to the floor.


Y/n quick got up from the floor when Sendak grabbed Y/n by the neck.

"You little brat. I should've killed you when I had the chance!"

Sendak picked up Y/n from the floor still grabbing his neck. Y/n started to struggle and gasping for air, he was only inches away from the floor, kicking his feet trying to hit his leg or chest to be let free.

Shiro knew he had to do something, he got up from the floor and ran behind Sendak then quickly jumped and kicked him across the chest. He dropped Y/n onto the floor when Lance slowly woke up and shot Sendak in the chest then passed out again.

"Shiro, Lance!"

Keith, Allura, and Pidge came running into the room. Shiro was kneeling down next to Y/n, while Lance was on the floor passed out. Keith and Pidge  ran at Sendak and started to attack him, while Allura went to a computer/screen to make a barrier around Sendak.


Keith kicked Sendak into the crystal making a barrier around him, Sendak started to pound on the barrier. Pidge ran up to Shiro and broke his handcuff doing the same with Lance and Alina. Shiro picked up Y/n from the floor and leaned him up against the wall, Shiro was also leaning up against the wall with him.

"Fuck, my whole body hurts...but thanks Shiro."

Y/n smiled at Shiro. Shiro then laughed at the comment Y/n gave.

"We make a good team." Y/n then grabbed Shiro's shoulder. Shiro smiled at Y/n both smiling at each other.

"Keith, you're right. We do make a good team." Lance then grabbed Keith's hand and both smiled at each other.

Pidge was with Allura hearing this and rolled her eyes at them.


"Lance should be fully healed tomorrow while in this pod." Allura stated while tapping on the glass.

"Thanks for all your help Pidge, I can't help but feel like you should be apart of our team."
"My dad used to be like family with his crew members, now I understand what he meant. I'm staying to fight Zarkon!"

Pidge smiled at Shiro, Shiro then turned to Keith.

"Glad to have you back on the team."

Dear Everyone reading,

I'm glad I can be back and write this book again, sorry for being gone I got busy but promise I'll try to update even if I don't have time I'll still try. So please stick around, relax and read my story! (:


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