Chapter 43||| Weird people, Weird place

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(A/n: Needles are mentioned in this chapter! Also this chapter will be long sorry)

Y/n's P.O.V
Location: Castle of Lions, 3am

-In a dream-

I was in a dark room when suddenly I was in a long hallway. I looked around confused by my surroundings but realized I was in a Galra Ship, I held my breath as I backed up against the wall.

"I gotta get out of here."

I slowly walked forward when I saw a shadowy figure ahead of me, I walked closer to the figure and realized that the figure was wearing Paladin armor, I continued to get closer when something stopped me. An invisible wall was in my way, I stood at the wall as I noticed the details on the Paladin suit.

I looked up and down at the figure and noticed one of the figure's arms, one of their arms were made of metal. My eyes widen as I noticed the black color on the suit to indicate which paladin it was, and to my surprise. It was the Black Paladin, Shiro.

"Shirogane? Please look at me, is it really you? Holy shit."

I placed both hands on the invisible wall as I tried to go to him or figure out a way to him.

I watched him slowly turn around, he had his helmet on and his helmet's visor was darkened which made it difficult for me to see his face. He was facing in my direction as he looked directly at me and he took off his helmet.

He dropped the helmet on the floor as he made direct eye contact with me. One of his eye's was a yellow color that covered his eye completely. The second eye was covered by a flower of some kind, a Begonia flower.

"Oh, L/n." He said in a sweet but hushed tone. Seconds after he finished his sentence, the space behind him turned to what I think is Television Static.

It got harder for me to breath as I tried going through the wall, as I tried to move my arms, something inside me stopped me from moving forcing me to stand completely still.

Suddenly everything around us changed, "L/n, what did you do?" Shirogane asked as we were suddenly in a different room, we were in Zarkon's throne room.

I started to hear ringing in my ears when Shirogane fell to the floor with blood all over him, I fell on my knees as I tried grabbing him. The wall was no longer there and now I was cradling him in my arms, I grabbed his hand as he started to bleed from his chest. He had a wound going across his chest and another that went across his stomach. I looked in horror as I didn't know what to do.

He moved the flower from his eye and I started to feel sick at what I saw, his eye was completely gone and blood was squirting out of it. My heart sank as his words made my stomach turn.

"Why didn't you save me?"
"What do you mean? I tried my best."
"You could've saved me from Zarkon."

He placed his bloody hand on my face and started to touch my cheek as he continued to speak.

"You had the power to save me, but refused to do so. Am I not important to you?"
"You are very important to me, what are you talking about?"
"You should've saved me from dying, you could've done more."

I held my breath as he moved his hand away from mine and gave me the Begonia flower, I took the flower and looked back at him as he said his final words, "You could've done more to save me, L/n. I'll see you on the other side."

My eyes widen as his hand fell to his side and his eyes slowly started to close, I felt tears fall down my face as I started to shake.

"Shirogane! Please don't leave me again! Not again, come back to me, I can't lose you!" I hugged him as I continued to sob, the flower fell between us as I started to repeat my words.

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