Chapter 37||| The Time is Now

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Y/n's P.O.V
Location: Planet Olkarion, ???am

"Thank you Ryner for the new suit. It's very generous of you."
"Anything for Voltron."
"Oh I'm not really apart of the Voltron, I just help around the castle and sometimes I help on missions but not really."
"You are more than that, I can tell, by how you inspired my people to fight the Galra. And the bond you created with everyone in your team."

I smiled to myself as Ryner gave me my new helmet. I looked down at the helmet and started to examine it. The helmet had matched with my new suit which the Olkari had made for me.

The suit looked like the Voltron Suit the Paladins wear but with very noticeable changes. What's most noticeable is the change in color palette, instead of white being the main color it was changed to black. The shoulders and top of the helmet had the color white. And instead of the color blue that were on the other Paladin suits, mine was changed to purple. Other than that the suit had stayed the same, it reminded me of my old Galra stealth suit which didn't bother me that much.

"Again thanks for the suit." I said to Ryner as they nodded their head at me and walked to Allura. I put on my new helmet and saw that the helmet visor was very tinted so anyone on the outside wouldn't be able to see my face, which I liked.

Ryner walked to the Princess as I walked towards the castle, as I walked away I heard Allura give a big speech to all the Olkari. I entered the pod and as it closed I heard cheering which meant that Allura finished her speech, "It's time." I thought as the door closed completely.


Coran, Allura, Alina and I were in the control room alongside, Kolivan, who was apparently the leader of the Blade of Marmora according to Shiro, Slav and another Marmora soldier. While the Paladins were in their lions.

"Everyone, lock into position. We're taking this thing up." A few seconds pass when Shiro's face comes up in the main screen, "Princess, we're go for launch."


Everyone was gathered in the control room discussing our plan, Shiro was in the middle of the room as a hologram of the teludav was above everyone's head.

"Alright, I'll use the Black Lion to lure Zarkon's fleet to our current location and make sure he's within the teludav's area of effect. Keeping the teludav hidden behind the space-fold until the last possible second is essential. We can count on you right, Slav?"
"Absolutely, I'll be fine! I'm not sure about the gravity generator, though."

"What, what was the last thing?"
"Hiding a ship is one thing, but I've never had to build a gravity generator for something this big before. I know it will work but I don't know for how long."

"Well, that's a risk we're gonna have to take." Shiro said as he put his hands to his side, "Once Zarkon's in position Kolivan and Antok will coordinate with Thace. Together, they'll take down Zarkon's security system and upload the virus."

"And then he'll be a sitting du-flax." Everyone looked at Pidge once she finished her sentence, "what? A du-flax is an Altean Creature with a beak and webbed feet."


Shiro and I were in front of the Black Lion saying our goodbyes. We both knew nothing would happen but still wanted to say our goodbyes in case of anything.

"Be careful, and don't be an idiot."
"Ouch but I'll keep it mind when I'm fighting."
"I believe in you, Shirogane. I'll be watching."

I took my helmet off then took off his helmet, I then kissed his forehead. I gave his helmet back but before he could place it back on his head I impulsively grabbed his hand, dropping my helmet and Shiro's helmet. He turned around facing me, with my other hand I pulled him closer to me as I then placed my lips on top of his. He seemed shocked at first but gave in and kissed back, after a few seconds of us kissing we both pulled away from each other. We were both gasping for air as we smiled at each other,

Space Love ||| Voltron Shiro x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now