Chapter 21||| Bad time?

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Third Person P.O.V
Location: Castle of Lions, 12pm Earth Time

Y/n walked in with Alina, they walked towards the team and were gathered around Shiro seeing if he was going to wake up. Alina had just finished healing Y/n and she was saying how she could've healed Shiro as well but they didn't let her and said it was alright. Y/n, on the other hand looked at the team with guilt.

"It looks like he's having a bad dream."
"He's had a glowing wound and mauled by some weird creatures, what's worse then that?"

Y/n looked down at his hand and started to think, "I think our time must end." He looked up at Shiro, he felt a knot in his stomach and left the room. Everyone watched him leave confused as Alina followed.

"Y/n, where you going?"

No response, Alina kept asking and asking until he reached the kitchen and sat on a stool and put his head in his hands. Pidge decided to snoop and hear the conversation so she followed them but stayed out of sight.

"Y/n L/n! What's going on!"
"I think we need to leave!"

Y/n slammed his hand on the counter and just took a deep breath. Alina stumbled back from the sudden reaction he gave but she then walked towards him and put her hand on his arm.

"I've caused Shiro pain, I had secrets that could've been useful. I'm just— we just need to leave I don't think it's right to stay."
"But.....why? You like it here."
"Yeah but what if we encounter the Galra and they tell them that I worked for them!"

Silence followed, seconds became minutes until Alina thought of something.

"We could tell them the truth? They clearly trust us so there's no need to lie."

Y/n looked at her and was already thinking the worse of the worst. He then started to panic and fell off his chair and onto the ground holding his chest.

"Working for them? Traitor or spy?" Was Pidge's thoughts before she decided to go into the kitchen.


Y/n was a little calmer until Pidge walked in, he looked at her and realized she listened to the whole conversation which made him panic even more. Y/n got up from the floor and watched as she walked into the room.

"What do you mean worked for them?"
"-sighs- I worked for Galra, I was forced."
"Like Shiro?"
"Probably worse I don't know. I had to kill for them, I have blood on my hands......enough said, I just don't want to risk anything. So the best choice is to leave."
"What!? You've helped us a lot!"
"No I haven't, I just caused all of you to panic when I scarified myself. Plus I'm wanted dead or alive, so my days are basically numbered."


"I don't see any coordinates in here, you sure this wasn't just a dream?" Everyone was around Shiro and Pidge as she was typing something in her computer that was connected to his arm.

"I'm positive someone helped me escape."
"And he was galra?"
"You know you can never trust them!"

"Your father must have trusted them at one point! Zarkon was the original Black Paladin, wasn't he?"
"That was a long time ago."

A few seconds of silence passed as everyone was processing what Allura said.

"Wait what?" Lance was the one who broke the silence and looked at Allura confused.

"Didn't you see how Zarkon stole the lion from Shiro? Or how he was doing those cool things with the bayard, Shiro's bayard? You know the black one."

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