Chapter 38||| The Time is Now Pt.2

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Third Person P.O.V
Location: ______, ______pm

"They only need to hit four main targets and Zarkon is done for?" Alina asked as Kolivan looked out and watched the Lions attack the ship.

"It won't be that simple, young one." He then explained it, Alina was the only one actually paying attention.

"I get a feeling this isn't gonna be our last battle with Zarkon." Is Y/n's thought process, he had a gut feeling but was uncertain. It could be him making up some excuses but Y/n couldn't really figure it out.

"We've done it....this will be end of Zarkon's reign." Allura walked in slowly as she stood next Coran who was in the middle of the room.

"Yes, Princess."

They all watched as Voltron was taking down the ship. When a purple orb appeared below the Galra ship, it was big and had some type of energy coming off of it. Everyone in the castle looked in horror when it struck the Paladins.

"Oh no."
"No, please let them be okay."

It seemed to be taking away the Paladins energy of some type. When a blast with blue energy was coming off of it and into the Galra ship, the Paladins were now floating in space not being able to move.

"I thought the virus was supposed to shut down all Zarkon's energy!?" Y/n turned to Kolivan with the most angriest tone of voice that he could muster.

"That blast was not from the ships weapons." Allura said as she was sitting on the floor trying not waste her own energy. "It was magic."

"It must have been the Komar. Zarkon has been trying to develop a device to extract the quintessence from planets. It appears he succeeded."
"If it destroys planets, then what did it do to the Paladins?"

"Team, can you hear me? Shiro? Shirogane......please answer me."

Static, all they could hear was static. Y/n was hoping that they were okay, he was holding his breath when.

"Yes, L/n. I could hear you. I'm alive, we're alive."
"Thank the gods!"

They all let out a sigh as that was at least some good news.

"Shirogane, could you move Voltron by any chance? Are you guys operational?"

They all responded with different responses but it all boiled down to, "I can't move my lion."

"It seems you guys have been hit by some type of witchcraft that sucks the quintessence out of you. You need to get out there!" Coran said as he walked up to the main control panels.

"Wait, what's that?" Lance said, but before anyone could respond a robot started to fly towards them, the robot looked like a bigger version of Zarkon but in a robot form. It was taller than Voltron and seemed stronger than them, the Zarkon robot also had wings that spread out. Voltron also had wings but was not operational nor did the team try to ask what it was or how they worked.

"Get out of there now! Remember your training, remember all the battles you've all been through."

The team still couldn't move and were just sitting ducks out in space.


"We need to buy them more time. Princess, I suggest we divert all our power to the weapon system."
"Y/n, are you serious! We'll be defenseless!"

Space Love ||| Voltron Shiro x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now