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I woke up from all of the crying around 3 in the morning, staring at a wall. I feel so alone, why don't they love me? I just want to feel loved while I'm just being myself.

I rested my head in my knees and started to cry again. Why do they purposely hurt me like this? I didn't do anything to them. Besides my crying it was quiet in my room, it was quiet in the house.

Once my phone vibrated I picked it up to see that I had messages from Casey and 3 missed calls from her along with messages from Jahseh.

We talked earlier but I told him I had to go because I didn't want to go back into little state.

Casey 🤞🏾💕

Sorry I was sleep
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It's okay I was just checking in on you because I know how your parents can be
Read 3:24 AM

Yeah they definitely put me through a lot today my dad cut up my plushy but I'm fine
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Are you sure?
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Okay goodnight best friend I love you ❤️
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Goodnight I love you too 💛
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I was going to tell her it was fine because Jahseh bought me another one but I already knew how she felt about Jahseh. I didn't want her mad at me because of it because that would be another person I would be losing.

Next I went to see what Jahseh text me.

You up?
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Can I give you some company?
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Just open your window
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I was very confused but did what he said and opened my window to soon hear climbing which scared me but then I seen him come in making me calm down.

"It's late, aren't you going to get in trouble for being gone?" I asked him.

I wasn't worried about my dad realizing he was in here because he doesn't check on me before he leaves for work.

He chuckled "no" he told me while he closed my window.

He turnt to me and put my stitch in my hand making my cheeks brighten and I pulled him close to me.

He kicked off his shoes and jacket before laying on my bed while I locked my door.

"Jahseh I thought you were supposed to be being a hoe" I told him making him chuckle before I sat beside him.

"I am but you've been running in my mind quit frequently for the past couple of days" he told me making me squint my eyes at him.

"Why you look scared?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"You just snuck into my room and you're a guy if my mom was here I'd probably be caught" I told him and he nodded.

"Well I couldn't have you feeling sad until I seen you again" he told me and I nodded, loosening my grip on the stitch and holding his hand.

He cares about me? Another person cares about me besides Casey.



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