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I woke up to the sun shining in my face making me turn over and look at my phone to see it was 10 in the morning meaning I needed to get up.

I stood and stretching before going in my bathroom and brushing my teeth before washing my face. Just to lay right back in my bed.

I got on my phone to see that Jahseh text me an hour ago making me smile.

Good morning ❤️😘
Read 10:00 AM

I want to see you by 12 to go on this double brunch date
Read 10:00 AM

Well okay I'll go ask my mom now
Delivered 10:00 AM

I stood up from my bed and went into my parents room to see my mom half up and half sleep. It looked she was fighting it.

"Mom can I go somewhere?" I asked her making her look at me.

"With who?" She asked.

"My boyfriend" I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"Where are you'll going?" She asked.

"To get something to eat" I told her and she nodded.

"You can go but when you guys come back I want to meet him" she told me and I nodded.

I happily skipped to my room and flipped on my bed to tell Jahseh.

She said okay but she wants to meet you when we come back
Delivered 10:15 AM

Okay I'm coming to get you earlier than 12 so I hope you getting ready now
Read 10:15 AM

Him saying that made me hop up and pick out my clothes before starting my shower water and getting in. I didn't pick out any little clothes because there's a chance that both of my parents will be here once we get back and my mom will be up.

I got out and put on my lotion that smells good because Jahseh commented on it last time he was here. After I got dressed I laid back in the bed and waited on Jahseh.

He soon texted me and told me he was outside.

"Mom I'm leaving!" I yelled as I made my way out of my room.

Even though Jahseh was just here a couple hours ago I'm really excited to see him.

"Lock my door!" She yelled back and I did what she said.

I made my way to the car, seeing Jahseh sitting on his phone and stitch was still strapped in the backseat. I got in the car and grabbed him from the back making Jahseh chuckle.

"You missed him?" He asked me and I nodded with a smile.

"Damn what about me" he asked with a raised eyebrow making me blush.

"I missed you too" I told him and he smiled before pecking my lips before he started driving.

"We are going to my house first because my friend and his girlfriend are coming they just don't know it yet" he told me making me giggle.

Then I remembered he said there was a girl that he wanted me to meet.

"Is this the girl you wanted me to meet?" I asked him and he nodded which his made me nervous.

"Lily is really cool don't get nervous" he told me like he could read my mind.

I watched Jahseh as he drove. His tattoos always interest me because I don't see a lot of people with tattoos and his are interesting things. I wasn't paying too much attention to him that I didn't realize we were here.

"Joey I know I'm okay looking but you're gorgeous I should be the one staring" he told me making me shake my head.

"You're prettier than me Seh" I told him making him raise an eyebrow.

"You don't have to lie to make me feel better" he spoke making me giggle.

"I'm not lying" I told him as I followed him upstairs.

The further we walked down the hall, the more nervous I got. I looked down and played with my fingers but he grabbed my hand making me look over at him.

He started to unlock the door with his key and as soon as we started to walk in there was a guy coming out of a room.

"Good morning vro" Seh spoke making the guy nod at him.

"This is my girlfriend Joey, Joey this is Stokeley" he introduced us making the Stokeley guy eyes go big.

"Um hi Joey" he spoke, shaking my head.

"Well I'm going to the store, let Lily know when she gets up" he told Jahseh and he nodded and sat down on the couch with me before Stokeley walked out.

I nuzzled up to Jahseh and watched whatever he was watching on his phone. It was a funny video so I started to laugh but then started to get nervous because I heard moving.

"Jahseh what if I woke her up and she's mad at me?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"She's not calm down" he whispered to me before I seen a girl peek her head out of the room.

She is a white girl with pink hair. She is really pretty and I like her hair.

"Hey Lily" Jahseh spoke.



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