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I sat in the room, still pouting about earlier. Jahseh still left to go back to the studio, not really caring for my attitude when he did.

Now that he's back I still haven't talked to him and he hasn't tried to get me to.

I sighed and left the room, going to get snacks. I'm glad Lily isn't here she'd make doing this silent treatment so hard.

I got the bag of chips I wanted before going into the room where Jahseh sat on the bed and I did the same. I started to eat my chips and watch tv before the tv was turned off making me furrow my eyebrows and look at Jahseh.

He looked over me before tucking the remote under him.

I smacked my teeth before leaving the room to watch tv in the living room but he followed me and took my chips.

"Talk to me" he told me and I shook my head, getting up to go back to the room but he stopped me, grabbing me by my jaw.

"Josephine" he spoke in a warning tone making me heart skip.

I wanted to give in a become submissive but I stood my ground, trying to get his hand off of me which made him raise an eyebrow.

"Really?" He asked me making me sigh.

"Get off of me Jahseh" I spoke making him nod before he let my jaw go but grabbed my arm, taking me back in the room.

"You sitting here with a fucking attitude because you don't listen" he mumbled before sitting me on the bed and locking the room door while he went to the top of the closet making my eyes go wide.

"I'm sorry" I spoke quickly and he shook his head.

"I gave you chances to say that it's too late now" he told me making me sigh.

He grabbed the paddle and the cream before standing in front of me, leaning his body against the dresser.

I put my head down and looked down at my hands, starting to play with them.

"I don't deserve to be punished Seh" I spoke making him chuckle.

"And why do you think that?" He asked me, forcing me to look up at him.

"Because I didn't do anything bad."

"You didn't listen so I brought you home just for you to still be acting like a brat, you're getting a punishment" he told me making me sigh.

"But I'm really sorry, I'll be good" I told him already starting to tear up.

"I know you will, after your punishment" he told me before standing up so he could sit down.

He put me over his knee with most of my butt exposed because I had on sleeping shorts.

"Please daddy" I whined.

"Count" he told me, ignoring my cries.

I sighed, feeling the paddle soon connect with my booty making my put my arms back to move it but he grabbed my wrist and held my hands together before continuing.

"I don't hear you counting" he spoke.

"T-Three" I stuttered out as he swung.

He hit me two more times before stopping, letting my wrist go making me sigh. I stayed still as he rubbed the cream on me before picking me up and sitting me in the bed.

I wiped my tears as he washed his hands before coming back and holding his arms open for me.

"No" I told him still whimpering making him suck his teeth before he pulled me in anyway.

He rocked our bodies which made me emotional so the rest of my tears started coming down which made him comfort me more.

"It's okay princess" he spoke, kissing my forehead.



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