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After he fed Joey and made sure everything else was okay with her he went to the house where they all hang out. He figured everyone would be there because they had a show.

The whole drive there he thought about what to say, how he was going to beat on whoever was responsible.

When he got there he swiftly walked in, half clothed with full intentions on fighting and leaving.

" who the fuck drugged Joey?" He asked after only being in the house enough time for them to notice he was here.

Robb put his hands up "you know I ain't have shit to do with that, I made sure she was straight" he spoke making Jahseh nod and look over the rest of the group.

"Come on bruh, take your ass whooping" he spoke making schemes eyes widen.

" I did" Wifi spoke making Jahseh charge towards him but Stokeley held him back.

"That shit wasn't on purpose bruh, I meant to put that in scheme water because he'd asked for it. I should've paid more attention to whose was whose" he spoke, defended himself.

"I don't care bruh she sick ass hell I'm still about to beat yo ass" he commented, doing everything to get over Stokeley.

"Story don't even make fucking sense" he commented before making it over Stokeley and got to Wifi.

Wifi shrugged " trying to see what Bruno saw" he commented before Jahseh got his jaw.

He hit him repeatedly in his face wanting to leave his mark.

"Chill" everyone else commented, trying to stop the fight but not wanting to be hit also.

He hit his rib cage one more good time before deciding he was done.

"I'm not working with yo ass no more, get the fuck out" he spoke to the boy and he stood up straight, holding his rib before he looked around for disapproval but everyone agreed.

They thought about how they'd feel if it was their girlfriend.

"Y'all gone let him speak for everyone?" He asked and they nodded.

"Too fucking far bruh, them comments was between y'all but you don't drug nobody nigga" Coolie spoke, shaking his head.

"Then put me in the lie" Scheme spoke.

"Nah you tripping nigga, untrustworthy, bad for business" Ski spoke making Wifi nod before he started to leave out.

"Kicking me out the group isn't stopping me from getting to Joey" he commented once he was near the door.

"You do anything else to my girl and I'm going to kill you. I promise you that."

Wifi left out, leaving the group there. They wanted to lighten the mood but everyone knew Jahseh wasn't feeling it.

"I'm about to go, gotta make sure Joey straight" he spoke, sitting up.

He dapped everyone up before walking out the door and rushing back home since he knew Joey was there by herself and didn't want to walk into something unexpected.

The only reason Lily wasn't there was because her and Ski already started moving into their new apartment.

Getting home he rushed up to the condo. When he got inside he checked around for her, seeing her bent over the toilet again, crying as she hacked.

He sighed and came into the bathroom, holding her hair back.

"It hurts" she cried.

He nodded, rubbing her back.

She finally stopped vomiting and just sat on the floor, crying more with her head back as Jahseh wiped her mouth.

"Shhh you're going to be okay" he told her, trying to calm her crying.

He lifted her off the floor, helping her stand and go to the sink. As he held her up and she brushed her teeth he thought about how hot her body was.

It was fighting off the drug, she wouldn't be like this for much longer.

"Come get in the bed" he told her, already leading her to the bed.

She sighed and let it happen because she couldn't hold herself up anymore.

"I'm hungry again but I'll wait" she told him and he nodded.

"You sure?" He asked and she nodded.

"I'm tired of throwing up" she answered and he nodded, getting in bed with her.

He pulled her on to him, placing his hand in her hair and massaging her head.

"I'm sorry for bringing you around that, I thought I could trust them more than that" he spoke making her look up at him to see how sad he looked.

"You didn't know Seh, it's not your fault" she told him, moving more on to his body which made him wince from the hit he took to his stomach.

Joey jumped a little and moved off of him.

"I know you said you don't like me fighting but I had to Joey, I couldn't let him get away with that and he won't be around the group anymore" he told her and she nodded.

"Who? Robb?" She asked and Jahseh furrowed his eyebrows.

"Robb did something?" He asked and she shrugged.

"He is the last one I remember seeing and he helped me off the sidewalk" she told him and he nodded.

"Remember anything else?" He asked and she nodded.

"I was really scared that he was going to do something because I couldn't fight back but he told me he couldn't have you losing your "precious cargo" and he said "somebody definitely got you" after that I stopped trying to fight the drug" she told him and he nodded, putting her and Robb's story together in his head.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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