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I was surprised to realize that I had fallen asleep. When I realized what was happening I looked around trying to figure out the time.

"You finally up" Jahseh spoke making me look over to see him coming out of the bathroom, adjusting his pants.

"How long was I sleep?" I asked him, rubbing my eyes.

He shrugged "like 4 hours" he told me making me raise my eyebrows.

"What time is it?" I asked him.

"2:34" he answered and I nodded and sat myself up more.

"You okay?" He asked me and I nodded, stretching my legs.

It made me realize that I still don't have panties on. The breeze hitting there kinda shocked me so my eyes widened and I covered myself.

Jahseh chuckled at me and shook his head.

"I can tell you ain't never been done like that before" he told me as he stood up and got the remote.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked him.

"You came so easily" he smirked before sipping his drink.

My cheeks turned red and I looked down "Jahseh stop" I whispered making him chuckle louder.

"I'm sorry princess, it just surprised me" he told me, rubbing my leg.

It surprised me too. I've never done that before and it was a lot.

"I'm sorry for messing up your sheets" I told him and he shrugged.

"They weren't ruined for no reason" he told me.

He went into his side table beside me and pulled out a tray with cartoons on it and something else. I seen him get a bag out of his pocket and then something else.

"What are you doing?" I asked him making him look over at me.

"I'm bout to roll up" he told me making me nod.

He started what he was doing while I stood up out of the bed. As I walked by him he slapped my butt making me jump.

"Sorry, I just seen it and had to" he told me making me shake my head.

I headed to the bathroom and started me some water for a shower. While I waited for the water to get hot I decided to get my clothes ready for me. I had a towel on my lower half now because I didn't want my privates just out.

"You bout to get in the shower?" He asked me and I nodded.

I looked over at him to ask what we had to do today but I noticed him licking his blunt making me feel some type of way.

"What? You want a round two?" He asked making my eyes widen.

"Nah I ain't gone do you like that you'll be sleep the rest of the day" he chuckled making me shake my head.

"I wasn't even trying to look like that" I told him and he just nodded.

I stepped into the bathroom and took of the towel and the rest of my clothes before getting in the shower.

"You know Josephine I'm glad we did something so now you'll see how horny I be" I heard him say before seeing smoke making me look out of the curtain.

He was leaning on the sink with only boxers on but I could still see his bulge through them. His abs just seemed like they were staring at me as my eyes trailed down to his v line making him chuckle.

"You won't have to guess much longer" he told me making my eyes widen.

"You want to right now?" I asked him and he eyed me a little before nodding.

He pulled down his underwear before getting in with me.

"I'm scared right now Jahseh" I told him.

"Ain't nothing to be scared of" he told me.

"I ain't gone do nothing to you while we in here" he stated as he started to wash his body making me nod.

I washed on my own before feeling his hands starting to rub my sides making me look back at him.

"I still ain't gone do nothing, I just like to touch" he told me making me nod.

I can tell that he's high by looking at his eyes, they're sitting very low. I know how it looks because people used to come to school looking like that but I never actually seen someone roll it up.

Once I was done I got out and put my towel back on, soon hearing Jahseh get out. I ignored him and began to put my lotion on even though I hate the way my body looks sitting.

"You want me to pick your outfit or you got it?" He asked me.

"I got it" I told him, standing up to do it but he shook his head at me.

"You got about 40 minutes till it's time for you to get dressed" he told me before giving me a kiss.

Oh shit.

"Jahseh you were serious about the sex?" I asked him and he nodded, removing his towel and pointing for me to get on the bed.

"You can use the safe word if you want" he told me making me nod.

He came over to the bed and stood by legs, looking over me which allowed me to his area.

"You scared?" He asked me making me nod.

I wasn't going to lie.

"Don't be scared, relax" he told me making me furrow my eyebrows but still try to calm down.

While I did he ran his fingers on me making me shiver while he smirked.

"Yeah like 30 minutes" he spoke looking at his phone.



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