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Jahseh made it outside to Robb's car, seeing Josephine sleeping with a towel on her head in his passenger seat while he sat beside her, scrolling on his phone

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Jahseh made it outside to Robb's car, seeing Josephine sleeping with a towel on her head in his passenger seat while he sat beside her, scrolling on his phone.

He knocked on the window making him look up before unlocking the door that Jahseh soon opened.

"The fuck happened?" He asked and Robb shrugged.

"I don't know I was heading back inside when I seen her stumbling out and then sat on the curb. I ain't want nothing to happen to her and you start going crazy and shit so I convinced her to come sit with me" he explained to Jahseh who nodded his head in understanding.

Robb's story didn't sound flaw to him and if he was trying to do something he wouldn't of called him to let him know what was happening.

"Thank you vro" he spoke before the two shared a handshake and he scooped up his unconscious girlfriend.

He carried her to his car, sitting her in the passenger seat and sitting it back some before buckling her in which made her jump.

She wanted to be up badly, still fighting the drug inside her head because she wanted to know what was happening to her.

She felt Jahseh wipe her forehead before kissing it making her calm down the one part of her that wouldn't sleep.

Jahseh got in the car and buckled himself before placing his hand on her thigh before he left.

He wondered how the fuck she got laced at the show. She was on stage with him and his friends, the only shit up there was water. He made sure of it.

He thought harder about it, figuring it had to be someone close to him. He furrowed his eyebrows at the thought making him get angry.

That's the only way, no one else was on stage.

His body filled with rage, wanting to go back to them just to see who did it so he could beat their ass.

When he got home he took her out of the car, carrying her upstairs. He figured Stokes or Lily would be in so he knocked on the door with her laying limp in his arms.

Stokeley furrowed his eyebrows and went to the door, walking past Lily who was sitting in the living room.

He opened the door for Jahseh, steeping out of his way when he realized that he was carrying Joey.

Lily watched him walk past with worried eyes but didn't say anything as he sat her in the room. He soon came back out after tucking her in.

"I'll be back" he spoke making Stokeley furrow his eyebrows, not getting a good feeling from the way he spoke or his tone.

"Where are you going?" He asked him, closing the apartment door behind them to close Lily out of the conversation.

"Niggas think shit sweet, somebody fucking laced Joey and I know it was one of our people because that's who she was around" he spoke making Stokeley nod.

"So what's your plan? Go over there and accuse everyone? Threaten to whoop everyone's ass?" He asked making Jahseh suck his teeth.

"You need to come in here and make sure she straight, we can figure out who did that shit tomorrow but you don't even know what they laced her with you need to make sure she's okay" he explained to him making his jaw tighten.

Jahseh knew that Stokeley was right and he also knew he was just acting out of anger but he still just wanted to go beat whoever ass.

"You right" he spoke before they went back inside.

Lily watched them confused as they did their handshake, speaking to Jahseh before he could make it back into his room.

"Is Joey okay?" She asked making him turn towards her.

"Yeah she's okay."



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