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I watched as Jahseh got himself ready. His friend called him so he had to go which upset me. I mean I knew he'd have to leave before my dad came back anyway. Last time it worked because he'd got here late but no way I'd be able to hide him in my room all afternoon and night.

"I don't want you to leave" I pouted making him look over at me.

"I know but my friend needs me" he told me making me nod.

"But I'm your friend too and I need you" I told him making him raise an eyebrow at me.

"You are not just my friend Joey" he told me making me tilt my head at him.

"Well then what am I?" I asked him.

He shrugged "but you aren't only my friend, I like you too much" he told me making me blush.

"I like you too" I told him making him smirk.

"Well talk about it next time I see you" he told me before he walked up to me.

He put my head in his hands making me look up at him. He puckered his lips making me smile before I pecked them. After that I passed him my stitch.

"I don't want him to get hurt" I told him and he nodded, holding it in his hands.

I walked with him downstairs and out of my front door where I watched him walk to his car. When he pulled off I began my cleaning and after I finished I went upstairs and watched my tv.

My mind kept going back to what Casey had said to me. I wondered how long she'd been wanting to say it and what will happen next with our friendship.

I know that I don't want to be friends anymore because she bring up my family issues and I hadn't even argued with her. If I like Jahseh why can't she just be happy for me?

The house was silent, even when my dad walked in he said nothing. He shouldn't have anything to say I cleaned. I truthfully don't think my dad has ever liked me, ever. I'm just use to it now and I just chill out.

My phone started to ring and something told me to look at the contact name before I answered. I'm glad I did because it was Casey. What could she want? To put me down more.

I press decline and went back to the tv but she called again. I decided to text her.

I don't want to talk
Delivered 5:43 PM

I just wanted to say that I'm very sorry Joey I didn't mean what I said you just made me upset because you didn't listen to me about X and I don't want him hurting you you have enough things going on right now
Read 5:44 PM

I'll have to see Cause you hurt me
Delivered 5:44 PM

I wasn't going to talk to her anymore. I'm not going to, she had touched my biggest insecurity because I like a boy? That doesn't make any sense.

I knew my dad was home so I decided to show my face and walk downstairs to see him sitting on the couch watching his show.

"Oh Mija you are awake" he spoke and I nodded.

I don't want to show that I'm mad at my dad but I am. He tries his hardest to hurt me for being a little and I don't get it. Like waiting for me to get home to cut up my plushy in front of me is just wrong.

"You've been acting strange for these past couple of days" my dad told me and when I looked over from the kitchen I seen that he paused his tv show.

That means he wants to talk.

"How?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Staying up in that room, is it about that teddy bear?" He asked and I shook my head.

My head scrambled for lies until I got the perfect one.

"Me and Casey have been arguing that's all" I told him and he nodded.

"I always told you no one will ever have your back like me and your mom" he told me making me nod and smile but on the inside I was rolling my eyes.

I seen that there was pizza in the refrigerator and took the box out to get me two slices before putting it back. I warmed up my slices and stood in the kitchen to wait. Once they were done I was going to go to my room.

"Come eat and watch tv with me" my dad spoke making me sigh in my head.

I walked over there and sat beside him before sitting my plate down. I wasn't even hungry anymore.

"So the friend that was a guy that you went out with how was that?" He asked and I shrugged.

"It was good I guess" I spoke as nonchalant as I could.

"Mija me and your mother have no problems with you having a boyfriend at your age the problem is we don't want you being a little. It's weird and if you're going to have a boyfriend you better not ever be a little" he told me and I nodded.

"I already said I was done with being a little can we just leave it alone?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm not stupid I know it still crosses your mind" he told me making me roll my eyes next.

"It doesn't but believe what you want to" I told him making him smack his teeth.

Like I said I wasn't hungry anymore after sitting beside him so I put my pizza back in the microwave before going upstairs into my room. I laid in my bed feeling my stomach to hurt because I hadn't eaten since yesterday but I don't care right now.

My parents are the reason I have age regression and the more the press it down the more it hurts.



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