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Waking up I realized that Jahseh wasn't here and then I heard my stomach growl. I sighed and went into the kitchen.

I started to look around realizing there was nothing that I like and then I thought about where I seen Jahseh hide his snacks one day.

I climbed on top of the counter before reaching and getting me some cookies. As I did it Lily came out of her room which scared me a little because I thought she was Stokeley.

"Hey Lily you want some?" I asked her and she seemed scared at first but agreed.

Me and Lily sat silently, giggling every once and again as we watched cartoons and smashed on the stolen snacks. We'd did each other's nails already, we were having fun. I don't think Jahseh is going to be that mad. I mean it's just snack.

As I thought about if he'd be mad or not him and Stokeley scared us by entering the house.

I watched as his eyes instantly went to the snacks. Fat ass.

"Are those mine?" He asked and Lily looked down and shrugged while I just completely looked away from him, pretending not to hear him.

"Ight Joey you want to play" he spoke and I could her the tone in his voice that made me feel like this wasn't a joke anymore.

"I'm sorry Joey" Lily apologized that made me snap out of it.

"He's just threatening me, I'll be fine" I lied.

I watched Jahseh as he checked to see how many were taken before he went into the room really quick and came back to me.

"Joey come here" he told me making me stand up and follow him to the room.

He pointed for me to sit on the bed and stayed standing, not even explaining until he heard the front door shut.

He then looked down at me and smirked.

"Josephine, I don't like for my food to be eaten and you two ate most of it. I can't do anything to Lily but you..." he paused and chuckled.

Okay this is my first punishment it won't be that bad. Just a warning I only took some snacks.

"I'm sorry Seh you left me here hungry and it would be rude of me to not share" I told him and he nodded while digging through the top of his closet.

He pulled out some cream and a belt before walking towards me. He sat the belt and cream down on the bed before picking me up and standing me in front of the bed while he sat down.

"Take off your pajama shorts" he told me, pointing to them.

I sighed and started to pull them down knowing what was going to happen next.

"Please don't do it too hard" I sighed as he pulled me over his lap.

"Why shouldn't I?" He asked.

"Because it was only snacks" I told him and he nodded.

"True, I'm not going to even use the belt" he told me before he grabbed the belt and tied my hands with it.

He smacked my butt really hard making me jump.

"Can I use the safe word?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No it should be over soon" he told me before he smacked my butt again.

"That's two, you got three more to count" he told me making me nod.

He smacked my butt again and paused waiting for me to count.

"T-Three" I counted before he smacked again and again.

"Four and Five" I counted and he stopped.

He opened the jar of cream and began to rub my butt making me calm down a little because it felt good.

"See it wasn't that bad" he told me and I nodded.

He grabbed the loose part of the belt before pulling it making it tighten and picking me up at the same time. He sat me beside him and looked me up and down which made me blush.

"You look good but I ain't horny" he told me before standing up and taking the belt off of my wrist.

I am honey now from the way he picked me up and then looked at me. Now I'm horny and he's just going to walk away.

I sighed and sat all the way down, turning on the tv. I ignored the stinging on my butt as I went to the app I wanted. The problem was that I didn't know what to watch.

"You still hungry?" Jahseh asked, coming back in the room.

I shook my head and stayed focus on the tv.

"What's wrong? Did it hurt too bad?" He asked beginning to get frantic and I shook my head.

He walked more into the room and grabbed my face, making me look at him.

"Stop" I whispered making him smirk.

"If you wanted sex that's all you gotta say" he told me making me roll my eyes.

"I-" I started but was cut off by him coming to the bottom of the bed and laying me back before taking my panties off.

"You nervous?" He asked me and I nodded making him chuckle before he rubbed his finger on me.

"Doesn't look like it" he told me making me blush harder.

He sat on his knees in front of the bed before placing his tongue on me which honestly surprised me. This ain't happen to me last time I had sex.

His tongue hit something that made my body instantly react.

"Don't try to move, I'm trying to help you" he told me and I nodded.

"Sorry daddy."



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