Part Four

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You rested your head on the couch, letting out a deep breath as you sighed, closing your eyes. The last day of school was officially over, meaning that summer had just begun. Not that you had many plans, but you were much more open to going out for hunts.

It was around 5 as you were awakened from your nap, jumping up as you heard Derek yelling as he ran into the house.

"What the hell is your problem?" you yelled.

"Why were you sleeping on the couch?" he asked, sitting next to you.

"I was tired. Why do you have to be so loud?" you groaned, hitting him with a throw pillow.

"Okay, whatever. It's officially summer, right?" you raised an eyebrow before nodding your head.

"You said when it's summer you'd get me high," you groaned, running your fingers through your hair.

"You can't back down now!" he exclaimed.

"Jeez, Derek, calm down! Fine, I said I will and I will. We'll do it tonight, okay?"

He had a small smile on his face before looking at you.

"Is it scary?" he asked softly.

"Oh, don't be a baby. I'm going out, okay? I'll be back later," you replied, standing up.

"As long as you're back before Dean and Emily get here," Derek muttered as you froze, glaring at him.

"They're coming?" you exclaimed.

"Well, they wanted to come and-" Derek started.

"Shh! Look, not only are you all lightweights, there's three of you! That means I'm responsible for all three of you! On top of that, how the hell are you going to explain what Wolfsbane is and why you're taking it with weed?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I didn't want to be mean," he muttered.

"Jesus fuck, Derek. Fine, whatever. Bye," you grabbed your phone, walking out of the house as you slammed the door shut.


"Have you ever gotten high before, Laura?" you asked, laying on her bed.

She froze, before raising an eyebrow.

"Werewolves can't get high," she replied.

She continued packing her bag, getting ready for her and Stefan to leave once again. She barely spent any time at the Salvatore house, with her new responsibilities as the alpha.

"That doesn't mean it's impossible," you squinted your eyes, reading her expression.

She scoffed, a small smile on her face as she looked at you.

"As long as you add some wolfsbane, you'll be good. But not too much, you don't want to kill him," she replied.

"That's debatable," you said.

"That's my brother, asshat," she shoved you gently as you gave her an innocent smile.

"Like you don't want to kill him sometimes?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Me and Stefan have to go. Just... make sure none of you die, okay?" she raised an eyebrow, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I know. Stay safe," you gave her a small hug before the two of you walked out of her room.


The smell of weed filled the Salvatore house, while you crossed your legs, sitting on the couch. You could fear giggles coming from in front of you as you kept your focus on your book, running your fingers through your hair.

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