Part Nineteen

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You sighed deeply to yourself, resting your head in your hands before pushing yourself out of bed.

You put your hand on the wall next to you, trying to regain your balance. You could instantly feel the pain shoot up your leg before you ignored it, letting out shaky breaths.

You made your way out of your room, knocking on Derek's door.

"Derek, wake up," you muttered.

You opened the door, jumping slightly as you saw another girl standing at the door.

"Uh, sorry, I was just on my way out," she gave you a small smile before rushing down the stairs.

You stood in shock, before shaking your head, seeing Derek rush to the door. He adjusted his shirt, giving you an awkward look.

"Hey, wasn't expecting you up so early," his voice was shaky like he was out of breath.

"What's that, the 10th person this month?" you scoffed.

"Definitely not ten," he started.

"Definitely more," he rolled his eyes, before you turned, making your way to the stairs.

"Need help?" he asked.

"No," you shook your head.

Derek kept close to you, leaning over you as you walked down the stairs.

"I said I was fine," nothing made you feel worse than the damage done to your leg by Dean, you wish you could pretend it wasn't there.

But the limp said otherwise, and the fact that Derek wouldn't leave you alone made it worse.

You walked to the kitchen, beginning to make coffee before Derek took it from you, leading you to the chair.

"Sit," you clenched your jaw in slight anger, only getting a blank expression back from him.

"Don't try and fight me, you haven't even taken your painkillers yet," you rolled your eyes before sitting down.

Derek walked back to the coffee pot.

"What are you gonna do today?"

"I'm going hunting." Derek continued making coffee, ignoring your words

It wasn't anything too hard, just a couple of vampires. But you needed an escape from the last two months, with Derek and Emily continuously pestering you, not to mention Stefan, Laura, and Zach having a hard time leaving the house out of fear.

"Are you babysitting today?" he asked.

"No, I'm going hunting," you sighed, only getting ignored by Derek.

"I was thinking about calling over Emily and Dean," Derek started.

"Yeah, have fun with that," you replied.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Hunting," you crossed your arms.

"Stop," Derek ran his fingers through his hair, before walking to you.

"Derek, I can still hunt-"

"What do you not understand about no, (Y/N). I don't want you to get hurt."

"I've been wasting these past two months," you could feel yourself getting more and more frustrated before you sighed.

"Wasting? You're healing, (Y/N)! You can't walk!" you rolled your eyes, pushing yourself off the table.

"You're not stopping me," you clenched your jaw, feeling pain in your leg before you continued making your way back up to your room.

"Oh, come on, (Y/N)!" Derek yelled.

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