Part Eight

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You wrapped your arms around yourself, laying down on your bed as you buried your head in your lap, taking deep breaths. Derek was back from the hospital, it had been a week. There was still no word from Jay. Your anxiety had come back, worse than before. Your heart was constantly racing, it was harder to control it.

There was a full moon tonight, you could tell Derek was slightly worried as well. Once again, you two were the only ones home, you refrained from telling anyone else that Jay was back in town.

You still had no idea what supernatural creature he was.

Your head shot up, hearing someone arguing in Derek's room.

You tried to ignore it, before finding yourself leaning against Derek's door.

"What happened?" you asked.

"I told Emily I couldn't go out with her tonight and now she's upset," Derek sighed.

"Yeah, that'll happen a lot," you shrugged.

"I can't think about that. I have to find some new chains or something. The last ones broke," you nodded your head as Derek grabbed his wallet.

"Wait," he frowned slightly.

"I'll come with you," you replied.

"Why? You do know Damon's gone, right?"

"Yeah, I know. I'm still coming with you. I know exactly where to go too," he sighed, before nodding his head.

You were scared to let him out of your sight again. If he was home, you were home. If he wasn't, you weren't.

You grabbed your keys, getting into the car as he followed you.

"Can I drive?" he asked.

"In your dreams, Hale," you rolled your eyes, before driving off.


You retrieved some chains among other things from the Lockwoods, the two of you made your way to the Grill. You sat at a table, looking around through the mirrors.

"Okay, seriously. What's up?" Derek sat across from you, while you shrugged.

"Nothing," you replied.

"You're acting really weird."

"I'm not acting weird."

"Yes, you are. You haven't insulted me for almost a week, you haven't done anything that doesn't involve me. You're barely even paying attention to this conversation!" you turned to him, running your fingers through your hair.

"Look-" you froze, seeing something past your eye as you tensed.

You looked out the window, seeing Jay standing in the park.

"I gotta go," you heard him yell in protest as you got up, running out of the restaurant.

"What are you planning?" you immediately asked him.

"Really? No hello, or how are you?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it. Tell me what the hell you're doing," you spat.

"Walk with me," he began to walk away, while you stuck your hand in your pocket, reaching for your gun.

"Oh, come on! Don't you just want to catch up?" you could see the smirk on your face as you shook your head.

"Last time we saw each other, you killed my mom. Sorry if I'm not in a talkative mood."

He scoffed, shaking his head.

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