Part Fourteen

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"Ready?" you nodded softly, finishing grabbing your weapons before you looked at the clock. It was sometime past 11, Zach, Stefan, and Laura would be back soon.

You and Derek snuck back into the Salvatore house, gathering your weapons to get ready for the vampire hunt.

"I can't believe we missed one," you ran your fingers through your hair.

"Don't tell me this doesn't happen to everyone," Derek started.

"It doesn't. Not to me. I always go around after and check everything, but this time I just kept thinking about Dean, and now here we are," you sighed, slightly frustrated before getting into the car.

"This isn't your fault. Look, Em's okay, Dean's okay. We're still going to find this vamp and kill it," Derek replied.

You started the engine, before seeing Zach, Stefan, and Laura walking by the house. You saw Stefan and Zach look at the two of you, freezing.


"(Y/N)? Derek?" you heard Stefan's voice call out for the two of you before you clenched your jaw, looking at Derek before took the car out of park, quickly driving off.

"It's getting harder to avoid them," Derek muttered.

"Yeah, I know," you sighed.

"Zach showed up at school today," you continued keeping your eyes on the road, feeling slight guilt in your chest.

You stayed quiet, trying to wrap your head around the events of the past few hours.

"Let's just find this vamp, okay?" you sighed.

Derek nodded, noticing your frustration before you rested your elbow on the door, keeping your eyes on the road.


The two of you got out of the car, while you looked around cautiously, reaching for your gun. You made your way to the abandoned barn, while Derek stood next to you.

"I don't think he's still here," Derek said.

"I know, obviously not. There has to be something in that barn that can tell us about him. Everyone has a place that they feel safe, we just need to find where this vampire goes," you replied.

"We need to come up with a name for this guy. It's weird calling him vamp," Derek said.

You raised an eyebrow, facing him.

"That's your biggest concern right now?" you scoffed.

"Of course not! I'm just saying. What about something spooky, like Jack Torrence?" he suggested.

"You chickened out on me when we watched The Shining after the first 30 minutes," you rolled your eyes, walking away from Derek as he continued following you, coming up with random name choices.

You heard the sound of something snapping, like a twig as you shushed Derek. He went silent, while you cocked your gun, looking around. You heard a noise in front of you, instantly shooting as Derek jumped.

"I didn't see anything," Derek whispered.

You slowly walked forward, shooting once more for safe measure. You heard something growl before you tensed.

"(Y/N)-" Derek's voice cut off before you heard him being pulled away from you.

You clenched your jaw, turning around quickly.

"Derek?" you called out.

You only got silence for a reply.

"Derek!" you yelled again.

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