Part Twenty-Five

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"Knock knock," Derek tried to open your door, frowning as he realized it was locked.

It had been a few weeks since your encounter with your dad. You told Zach, leaving most of it out. You were too annoyed to talk about it, time had flown, it was already December.

Your dad had run into you repeatedly, you avoided him whenever you could.

"Hey," you laid down on your bed, looking up at your ceiling as you ignored him.

"(Y/N)," he continued to call you as you turned to your side, wrapping your blanket around yourself.

You frowned, hearing the sound of the door unlocking before feeling your bed dip.

"Did you pick my door open with your nail?" he nodded before you sighed.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm trying to sleep," you replied.

"Can I sleep here?" you nodded before he wrapped his arms around you.

Sleeping next to Derek always made you feel better. His body was always warm, he always helped you with your feelings, not that you'd ever admit it to him. Your nightmares and all your problems seemed to vanish.

You turned to face him, looking up.

"When do you leave for your college visit?" you asked.

"I'm not sure I'm going anymore," he replied.

"Why not?" you frowned.

"I don't know... It's just..." he began to pause as you sighed.

"You're not skipping a college visit to stay with me," you said.

"Who said it was for you? Self-absorbed much?" Derek rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever," you buried yourself into his arms as he sighed.

"Will you talk about it?" he asked.

"There's nothing to talk about. He's just an idiot to think he can just show up after seventeen years like this. I'm annoyed, I'm very frustrated, I just need to talk to Zach in the morning," you said.

"Okay then... I leave on the first day of winter break. One more week," he answered.

"You know, I haven't told you this for a while, but I'm really proud of you," you stroked his cheek softly as he scoffed.

"Couldn't have done it without you," he winked.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm tired," you closed your eyes, sniffling softly as you laid onto him.

"Goodnight (Y/N/N)."



You heard the floor creaking as you shot up in bed, looking around. Derek was still asleep next to you, you made out his figure with his arms wrapped around you.

You pulled away slightly, slipping out of bed.

No one else was home.

Your knife was on the dresser in front of you, you grabbed it, walking slowly out of your room.

You walked down the stairs, instantly tensing as you saw the door wide open.

Before you could do anything, the lights went out, you could hear Derek yelling out.

You immediately ran up the stairs, in panic as you pushed your door open.

You gasped loudly, tears rushing to your eyes as you saw blood dripping down Derek's throat. There was a ligature mark around his neck, you ran to him, putting your hand over his throat as he gasped for air.

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