Part Twenty-Four

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You and Damon held onto Alaric's unconscious figure, helping him into the hotel room before laying him on the bed.

"Now it's my cue to leave," he said.

"What? Why?" you raised an eyebrow.

"I know this guy. I turned his wife," he whisper-yelled.

"Jesus fuck, of course, you did," you ran your fingers through your hair before he rolled his eyes.

"She told me to compel him to think she was dead. He'll recognize me," Damon replied.

"Oh, you're so stupid! You know what, just go before he wakes up," Damon nodded, heading to the door before he paused.

"(Y/N)," you turned to look at him, nodding your head.

"I think you should talk to your dad," he said.

"Damon, that wasn't your concern-"

"I know it's none of my business. He's the last relative you have left," he replied.

"Damon, we aren't friends, stop acting like we are. Now leave before you piss me off even more," you kept your jaw clenched before nodding, walking out of the hotel room.

You sat on a couch across the bed, while you wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to ignore your pounding headache.

You tried to keep your eyes open, feeling tiredness taking over you.

He's safe, you're safe

You yawned slightly before running your fingers through your hair.

You couldn't pinpoint why you'd been losing sleep recently, everything was somewhat calm. You were back to "normal", whatever that meant. You didn't need any meds, you could walk without a limp. Everything seemed peaceful for once and the biggest stress was school.

You leaned your head back on the couch before closing your eyes, drifting off to sleep.


You gasped for air, sitting up as you looked around the room anxiously. There was nothing there. It was pitch black. You could see a familiar door in the distance, unsure of where you saw it.

Don't move

You tried to keep yourself still before your curiosity took over you, leading you to the door.

You put your hand in your back pocket, before tensing slightly. Your knife wasn't there.

You checked all your other pockets, you had no weapon on you.

You took a deep breath before putting your hand on the door, opening it.

You gasped loudly, jumping up as you looked around anxiously. Alaric was still passed out in front of you.

Your heart was racing as you took a deep breath, wiping your face before checking your phone. You saw a missed call from Derek as you walked outside the room, calling him back.

"Where are you?!" he yelled immediately.

"Tennessee," you replied.


"Alaric. Look, Zach isn't technically supposed to be home for another hour so you, Dean, and Emily need to clean up whatever you can and get your asses here. I'll tell him the rest of your birthday surprise was a road trip," you replied.

"Do you realize tomorrow's Sunday?" he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, shut up, we'll be back before Monday. Just hurry up and get here," you said.

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