Part Three

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"Yes, Zach. For the thousandth time, we will be fine. We will wake up on time for school, I'm making dinner, I know what to do," you tried to hide your annoyment as you and Derek stood by the front door, helping Zach out.

Before Derek moved in, Zach would go help hunters more frequently, but it had been a while since he went. You had missed your freedom.

"Fine, I know. One last thing. (Y/N) no hunts and no parties," he raised an eyebrow while you rolled your eyes.

"Yes, I know. Goodbye, Zach," you said again.

"Derek, you're in charge," you saw him smirk as you sighed.

"Of course. We'll see you soon Mr.Salvatore," you scrunched your face before shaking your head.

"Bye, Zach," he sighed, before waving to both of you, grabbing his bag, and leaving.

You closed the door behind him, letting out a sharp exhale.

"I thought he'd never leave. Okay, so, this is the plan. Stefan comes back in town with your sister on Saturday, the day before Zach comes home. That gives us about five days of freedom," you started.

You saw him scoff, crossing his arms.

"Is there a problem?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Zach isn't that bad, you know," Derek replied.

"You've known him for like a month. You don't know him at all. He doesn't let me hunt," you rolled your eyes.

"Well, you know, maybe he's just trying to look out for you," Derek started.

"Yeah, sure. Anyway, I found a hunt-" you saw as he rolled his eyes before continuing.

"I'm gonna leave tonight and I should be back later tonight. If something changes I'll text you," you said.

"We have school tomorrow," he said.

"It'll be fine," you replied.

"I don't know about this, (Y/N)," you saw him getting nervous as you groaned loudly.

"You don't always have to be a good kid, you know. I'm kind of annoyed of Zach comparing us all the time," you crossed your arms.

"Yeah, except you're the one with straight A's and I'm the one who's struggling to maintain a C-Average. Also, if I get too upset, I can kill someone," he said.

"So can I, you're not special," you saw him chuckle, before making his way to the couch.

"I have to go pack and train for a bit, I'll catch you before I leave?"

He nodded, while you gave him a small wave before running out the front door.

You put your bag on the floor walking around the house to look for Derek.

"Hey, where'd you go?" you walked around the house, calling out for Derek.

You didn't get a reply, but you heard a noise coming from the basement.

"Derek?" you walked to the basement door, taking a few steps before Derek ran to you, bumping into the wall.

"What are you doing down there?" you asked.

"Don't worry about it," he was out of breath as he gave you a small smile.

"You know, if you break something-" you started.

"I'm not going to break anything," he said.

"When are you leaving?" he asked.

"In like 5 minutes. I wanted to say bye. Are you sure you're okay?" you could hear his shaky breathing as you frowned.

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