Part Six

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You walked into the house slowly, seeing all the lights on. Derek, Laura, Stefan, and Zach all stood around the table together, you could see the worried looks on their faces.

"Oh my god," Derek ran to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly as you frowned.

"What the hell?" he yelled at you.

"Please, spare me the dramatics," you groaned.

You could see the anger in Zach's face as he approached you. You crossed your arms, looking up at him.

"To your room. Now," he said softly.

"Before you punish me, just know that your brother's body is outside," Stefan's face dropped, before he walked outside, met with an unconscious Damon on the floor.

"Oh my god," Zach muttered.

He pulled him in, while Laura walked to you, putting her hand on your shoulder.

"What happened?" she asked softly.

"He tried to feed on me but didn't know I was on vervain. I shot him with silver after and here we are," you explained.

Stefan walked to you, before Laura pushed your head gently, getting a clear view of the fang mark on your neck.

All you could feel was light stinging before she held your head, while you saw black veins appear as she took your pain.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly.

"Yeah, your brother's a douchebag," you laughed.

The three of them had a rather unamused look on their faces before Zach sent you to your room.

You were too tired to pick a fight or say no as you made your way to your room, Derek following close behind.

"Hey," he said softly.

"What?" you asked, sitting on your bed.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Tired," you replied.

You could feel yourself at peace, slightly. Damon was the one messing with you, he learned everyone about you, took your phone. He was behind your paranoia from the past week.

You laid on your bed before Derek came next to you.

"You're kind of quiet. Are you sure nothing else happened?" Derek asked.

"I'm going to sleep. Can you text Dean and tell him I'll go over tomorrow?" you asked.

"Still no phone?"

"Damon took it. It doesn't matter, we have him trapped now, but there's no reason to tell Zach and Stefan and Laura what happened, we're only gonna get in trouble for getting high and stuff. My phone wasn't on Damon, so he probably got rid of it. I need to go out and get a new one tomorrow."

You wrapped the blanket around yourself, recalling your earlier conversation with Damon.

"Well... I'll see you in the morning," he walked out of your room while you felt a tear slip down your cheek before you quickly wiped it away.

Be stronger than this


"Arms higher," Derek wore his gloves, raising his elbows as he aimed for the paddle in your hand. You pushed his hand down, before striking him in the head with your hand as he groaned.

"Aren't you supposed to tell me what you're doing before you do it?" Derek groaned.

"Monsters aren't gonna tell you which way they're going, why should I? You need to be prepared and be focused on everything around you," you said.

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