Part Twenty-Seven

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Your phone had been ringing for hours before you finally decided to shut it off, you didn't have the energy to talk to anyone.

It had been a day, you stayed locked in your room. You could hear footsteps throughout the house, everyone but Derek was back, you heard Laura, Stefan, and Damon all knock at your door.

The day had gone by quickly, you hadn't realized how much time had passed before hearing loud banging on your door, causing you to jump slightly.

"(Y/N), open the door, please," you immediately recognized the voice to be Derek's, taking you slightly by shock, he wasn't supposed to be back for a few more days.

"(Y/N)" you could hear the pain in his voice before you wiped your face, opening the door.

You were immediately met with Derek's bloodshot eyes, he looked like he just made it out of hell.

He wrapped his arms around you tightly, letting out a shaky breath while you held back your tears.

"I-I tried to call you... your voicemail... I didn't want you to leave," his voice broke.

"You came back?" you asked.

He nodded, closing his eyes.

You felt your heart aching as you buried your head deeper into his neck.

It's okay

Just breathe


You packed your duffle bag, gathering your weapons before sighing.

You felt worse than you expected to feel. Your nightmares kept getting worse, you were on the verge of breaking all the time, you kept to yourself. You knew Zach wanted to talk to you, but you couldn't bring yourself to talk to him.

He didn't do anything wrong, he only tried to help you, but he still kept something that big from you. You knew the second you talked to him you would break completely.

Your head constantly ached, you felt off every day. The feeling of paranoia stuck to you. You could feel people watching your every step.

You finished packing your bag, ready for your hunt.

Zach never stopped you from leaving the house, he wouldn't know what to say and he didn't know either.

Derek caught you sneaking through the window as you came back, you cared about him, he didn't need to see you through this spiral of pain and depression.

As you heard the voices die down outside your door, you stayed quiet, waiting a few minutes before opening your door.

It was silent, everyone was preparing for bed.

You made your way to the front door, getting into your car before driving off.


You felt the hairs on your neck standing as you held your knife tighter, holding back your breath.

Someone's behind you

You turned quickly, your knife in your hand tightly.

No one was there.

Sleep deprivation, number one cause of paranoia.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket, you didn't have to look to know it was Derek, and what he was saying.

Did you go on another hunt?

I told you to take me with you

(Y/N), answer me

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