Part Twenty-Two

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"I swear I will not crash your car," you continued to pull your keys from Derek's hand before he groaned.

"You're not touching my car," you exclaimed.

"You can't drive! We're going to be late for school!" he yelled back.

"Then we better start walking now!" you replied.

"Walking?! You mean when you start complaining about your leg and make me carry you to school?!"

"I don't make you do anything! You're the one who offers!"

"Because of your constant moaning and bitching!"

It had now entered minute 53 of the great school debate. You refused to let anyone touch your car, it was the last thing you had of your mothers and you intended on keeping it in perfect condition. Although you couldn't drive, you still would not let Derek drive, even if he promised to be careful.

"Call Emily and Dean," you crossed your arms.

"They're probably at school already," Derek started.

You dialed Emily's number, putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" her voice sounded groggy as you frowned.

"Are you guys at school yet?" you asked.

"School? That doesn't start until next week, what're you talking about?" she asked.

"I wish it started next week. Maybe then I'd be able to drive. School starts in 15 minutes. Did you just wake up?" you heard something crash in the background, while you tensed slightly.

"Yes, oh my god! We need to get ready!" she yelled.

"Can you two pick us up?!" you quickly yelled.

"We're on our way!" she ended the call before you smirked, turning to Derek.

"We're still going to be late. I have AP Physics first period, (Y/N)," Derek sighed.

"I'll teach you everything you miss," you shrugged.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on! It's our senior year, they're not gonna care! This year is just for relaxing," you smiled.

"Not for those of us who actually plan on going to college," Derek muttered.

"Okay, look-" before you could answer, you heard a car honking outside while you frowned, opening the door.

"What the-"

"Get in!" Emily yelled.

"Uh..." Derek scoffed, before closing the front door, the two of you rushing to the car.

"You took less than two minutes to get here-" you started.

"Vampire speed comes in handy sometimes," Dean shrugged.

You smiled softly, before turning to Derek.

"You'll make it to AP Physics, happy now?" you teased.

He sighed, leaning into the seat while you frowned slightly.

Something was off.

"Wanna watch a horror movie? It's October," you walked into Derek's room, jumping onto his bed.

"No, I'm doing homework," he sighed.

You frowned slightly.

"It's our tradition. It's October," you said.

He kept quiet before you walked to his table where he sat before leaning over his shoulder.

"Physics again?" you asked while he nodded.

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