Part Sixteen

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"Are you fucking stupid?! Why would you tell him?" you shouted across the room, Derek standing a distance away from you.

Laura tried to calm you down, yet failed as you continued yelling at Derek.

"Why didn't you tell me to begin with? How was I supposed to know that you were going to force him to drink human blood?" Derek yelled back.

"The second he got confused you should've just shut the fuck up! Jesus fuck, Derek, what the hell is wrong with you? A-Are you that stupid that you can't fucking hold back on anything?!" Derek clenched his jaw, you noticed his eyes water slightly.

"Are you fucking serious right now?"

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't know," his voice softened.

You ran your fingers through your hair, pacing around the Salvatore House.

"(Y/N), you need to calm down. I know you're upset, but-"

"This is all his fault, Laura!" you yelled.

You watched as Laura walked in front of Derek, crossing her arms.

"Stop," she said.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" you glared at Derek.

You saw Laura clench her jaw, turning to Derek.

"Go upstairs," she said.

He nodded softly, before walking to the stairs. He
glanced at you one last time before walking upstairs.

"(Y/N), you need to stop-" Laura started.

"Forget about it, it's too late now," you heard your phone ring while you looked at it.

"Don't answer that, I'm talking to you," Laura said.

"Are you gonna take my phone from me?" you answered the call from Emily, while Laura sighed.

"Hey, Em."

"Spend the night?" she asked softly.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" you frowned slightly.

"I don't know. I feel like shit," you heard her cry, feeling your heart drop.

"I'm on my way," you replied.

"Thank you," you hung up the call, crossing your arms as you looked at Laura.

"I love you, but Derek is my brother, and protecting him will always come first-"

"I'm not telling you to pick a side-"

"Shut up and let me talk!" Laura's eyes flashed red as you sighed, nodding.

"We all make mistakes. You made a mistake giving Dean blood in the first place, there are only a few people who can handle becoming a vampire and he isn't strong enough. Deep down you know it too," she walked over to you, sitting on the couch before pulling you with her.

"Can't you tell Derek already feels like shit about all of this? Here you are, trying to make him feel worse. He made a mistake, (Y/N). We all make so many mistakes."

You could feel sharp tears rushing to your eyes, your heart beating in the back of your head as you wiped your eyes, resting your head in your hands for a second.

"(Y/N)-" Laura started.

"You know you don't always have to hold it in, right?"

You let out a shaky breath, before sighing.

"Just tell Derek I'm sorry. I have to go to Emily's," you stood up, wiping the tears from your face before getting your keys, driving off.

You sighed deeply, walking into Emily's room, instantly freezing. You saw Dean standing across from Emily, seeing tears in her eyes.

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