Part Thirty (Final)

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thanks for reading ig (yes im making a mini series after )

"Are you ready for college?" Derek laid on his bed, his face turned away from the door as Laura stood against the doorframe.

"I already told you I'm not going," Derek muttered.

"Derek, it's been months," Laura sighed.

"I don't care, we're gonna keep looking," he replied.

"Hey, you can't just stop everything-"

"(Y/N) would do it for us," Derek replied.

"She would want you to live-"

"No." Derek crossed his arms, sitting up to face Laura.

"Derek, last time-"

"This isn't like last time. Something's wrong and she's not answering her calls or anything," Derek shook his head.

"She got into a car, you saw her drive off with someone. She left of her own free will, you saw it," Laura replied.

"She could've been in trouble before then. And (Y/N) wouldn't do that, she would've called me back. She would've told me where she was going," Derek argued.


"We're going out again to look tomorrow. If you don't mind, I'd like to rest for a bit before then," Laura watched as Derek's eyes flashed blue before she sighed.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she nodded softly, leaving the room.

Derek let out a shaky breath, falling onto his bed before trying to calm himself.

He grabbed his phone, dialing your number to leave you another voicemail.

"It's been three months," your head was turned away from Jay as he walked into the room.

You saw his shadow on the wall as you sighed.

"It took me over a year to heal completely," he started.

Great, another story

You sniffled softly as he took a seat next to you. You still refused to face him.

"I gave you a chance. You fucked it up."

Your head leaned back against the wall as he scooted closer to you.

"I bet you could never imagine how it feels. To die every single day for that long," you tried your hardest to ignore his words, but he wouldn't let you.

"Oh, come on (Y/N). It's been months, you still don't want to talk to me?" he put his hand on your cheek before you pushed it away.

"Don't you want to know how things are on the outside? Don't you want to know how your friends are doing? How Derek's doing?" you felt a shiver down your spine as you tried to hold back your emotions.

"I've kept an eye on them for you. They all put their entire lives on pause for you," you felt tears reach the brim of your eyes.

"Looks like Derek took it the hardest. You know, I've spent a while trying to figure him out. You're in love with him, it doesn't get any clearer than that. Is it because you pity him? Or does he like you because he pities you?"

"He thinks it was his fault. He threw away his whole life for you. In my twenty-three years of living, I've never seen someone so in love with another person. Even after how much you've hurt him."

You frowned slightly. He wasn't twenty-three, he was a month older than you.

He lied

"If your mom gave up hunting when she was pregnant with you, there's no way she could've killed my parents, (Y/N). Thought you were smart enough to figure it out."

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