Part Twenty-Eight

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You leaned on your bed, sitting on the floor as you held a photo album in your hands, looking at the past pictures of your mom, seeing you and Zach.

You heard some light knocking on the door.

"Come in."

Stefan walked in, taking a seat next to you before you rested your head on his shoulder.

"You look tired," he said.

"Yeah, I know," you muttered, taking a deep breath.

"Still having those nightmares?"

He stayed silent before sighing.

"Have you talked to Zack about your leaving yet?" Stefan asked.

"Derek said Zack told him to ask me. There's nothing more to talk about," you closed the book before pushing yourself to your feet, walking over to your bathroom.

Deep down you knew you weren't mad at Zach, you were mad at yourself.

"Have you begun packing yet?" he asked.

"Almost done. Me and Derek are gonna grab a few more things tomorrow," you replied.

"Okay, get to bed soon," he nodded before leaving.


You yawned, rubbing your head before leaning against the car window.

Derek sat next to you, frowning slightly.

"You look tired," he said.

"Thanks," you gave him a fake smile.

"(Y/N)," he rolled his eyes.

"When was the last time you slept?" he asked.

You shook your head, starting your car.

"Let's go get these boxes," you replied.

He sighed before laying back in the seat as you drove off.

You could feel your head aching slightly as you rubbed it, trying to focus on the road.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine, my head's just been hurting," you sighed.

"Do you want me to drive?" he asked.

"I will never ever let anyone else drive my car, don't even ask," he scoffed, leaning against the window.


Your headache had gotten stronger as you stayed in the car, rubbing your head as you let out a few shaky breaths, trying to stay calm.

Derek had walked into the store to get the boxes while you waited in the car.

You looked up in the window, seeing a car parked behind you as you frowned, trying to focus on the driver as you tensed.

Even through the tinted window, you knew who he was.


You clenched your jaw, about to exit your car before Derek opened the door, sitting in the car as you turned to him, taking a deep breath.

You looked back at the window, seeing he wasn't in the car.

You're seeing things

"Are you okay?" Derek asked.

You nodded, before taking a deep breath.

"C'mon, let's go home."


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