Part Nine

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A/N: I'd like to clarify that this series doesn't have a strong/good plot because it is a pre-series.

You zoned in and out of consciousness, everything was distorted around you. You felt the car come to a stop as you turned your head slightly, facing Jay.

"Hey, how do you feel?" he asked softly.

"Let me go, please," you begged.

"Oh, (Y/N), the fun's just getting started," he stroked your cheek, as you sniffled.

"I have something that'll make it feel better," he parked the car, walking out to the trunk.

Here's my chance

You pulled the handcuffs off gently, you always had a bobby pin on you to pick locks.

Make a run for it, (Y/N)

You opened the door slowly, looking around for Jay before quickly running forward, feeling him wrap his arms around you tightly as you cried out.

"Oh, where do you think you're going?" he held onto you, dragging you back to the car.

"You have to let me go. Y-You left Derek on the... please let me go," you cried softly.

"You know, I wanna know more about Derek. You three seem awfully fond of him," he led you back into the card before you let out a shaky breath.

"On second thought, tell me more about him later. Take this," he motioned to a vial in his hand as you shook your head.

"What is that?" you asked softly.

"I told you, it'll make you feel better," he replied.

"No, I don't want it," you shook your head.

"(Y/N), be a good girl. Don't make me force you," he raised an eyebrow, while he put his fingers through your hair, grabbing your head.

"Stop," you whimpered.

"Shh, take it, (Y/N)," he grabbed your chin, forcing your mouth open as you pushed him away once more.

"You bitch," he grabbed onto your head again, pushing it down as you felt it hit the roof of the car, falling unconscious.

"Why is it so hard for you to listen?" he lifted your unconscious body, wrapping rope around you as he tied you to the seat.

He wiped the blood from your forehead, before grabbing your chin, opening your mouth as he poured the liquid down your throat.

He locked your door, before making his way back to the driver's seat.

Only 100 miles to go.


"Hey, what the hell happened here?" Derek paced around the house, tears at the brim of his eyes as Stefan and Laura entered the house.

"Where's Zach?" Derek's voice broke.

"I don't know. What happened, Derek? Where's (Y/N)?" Derek let out a shaky breath, looking up at Stefan.

"There was some guy here. He took her," Derek held back his cries as Laura put her hand on his shoulder, pulling him in.

"He didn't do anything to me. He gave me something and I just woke up on the doorstep," Derek cried softly.

"How long ago did he leave with her?" Stefan asked.

"Last night. All her weapons... why didn't you answer her calls?"

Your vision was blurred, you could barely make out the faces around you. You felt like you were floating, finding it hard to keep your balance and stay vertical.

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