Part Twenty-One

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"We won't tell Zach if you tell us what happened, okay?" Stefan and Laura both sat next to you, you had a blanket wrapped around you.

"I don't... we got in this fight about... We went on this hunt, and-"

"Hunt?" Laura interrupted.

You nodded softly, while she sighed.

"You're still recovering, you know," you nodded, feeling a shiver up your spine while you took a deep breath.

"So then what happened?" Stefan asked.

You let out a shaky breath, finding yourself at a loss for words while you put your hands on your head, taking deep breaths.

"How has your anxiety been?" Laura asked softly.

"What do you mean?" you asked softly.

"I mean, how have you been feeling? All I can smell off you is stress, anxiety, you're not sick with anything else except for your anxiety," she replied.

"Oh," you sniffled.

You wiped the tears from your eyes, looking up at Stefan while he stood in front of you.

"What did you two get in a fight about?" more tears rushed to your eyes as you cleared your throat.

"I stopped taking my meds, they keep making me feel tired and shitty a-all the time, so I lied to Derek and just told him that they don't help with the pain, and then I almost collapsed from the pain. He got mad at me for lying, he started yelling at me, then I yelled back, he said..." your voice drifted off, you didn't know if you wanted to repeat your words from earlier.

You didn't even know if you meant them or not, all you knew was that life had been too much since the beginning, everything always seemed to get worse.

"Said?" Laura asked softly.

"He said that I was always stubborn, he tried to take care of me and help me for these past two months... I said that he didn't need to, I just wanted him to leave me alone and then..." you paused, shaking your head.

"(Y/N/N), and then what?" Stefan asked.

"Then he just... he promised to never help or care about me ever again and then he left," you knew what you left out, you knew both of them could sense you lying, but you didn't care.

You already broke in front of them, they didn't need to hear that part too.

You kept your head down, focusing on the floor, while Laura motioned something to Stefan, both thinking you didn't notice.

"Look, I'm gonna go find Derek, okay?" you nodded your head before Stefan pressed a small kiss to your forehead, walking out.

Laura kept her arms around you, while you leaned onto her shoulder, more tears rushing to your eyes.

"Now Stefan's gone, tell me what you're leaving out," Laura said softly.

"I wasn't-"

"Not only can I hear your heart but you and I both know that Derek wouldn't say something like that for nothing."

You closed your eyes, letting out a shaky breath.

"After I yelled at him he said that if no one cared then I would end up dead, and then I said who cares... and then after that..." Laura wrapped her arms around you tightly, pressing a kiss to your forehead while you were blinded from your tears.

"Is that how you really feel?"

"I don't know, Laura. I'm so sick and tired of life... I don't know," you saw tears in her eyes while she nodded softly, continued to stroke your back, while she pressed her lips to your forehead.

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