Part Eighteen

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You paced around nervously, biting at your fingernails before hearing Derek knock at the door.

You saw Emily still asleep, so you walked out of the room, closing the door behind you.

"Any progress?" you asked.

He shook his head, while you sighed.

"At least I was right, he did turn his humanity off. Stefan's calling Damon for help," Derek explained.

You nodded, scratching the back of your head.

"How's Emily?" he asked.

"She's... she's okay," you nodded.

"Are you okay?" Derek asked.

"I'm fine," you smiled softly.

He wrapped his arms around you softly before you pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"You think Stefan will let me see Dean?"

"Are you... I'm not letting you see him either," Derek scoffed.

"What? Derek, that's-"

"(Y/N), he hates you. He blames you for all of this. He could hurt you, he could-"

"I don't see any of you making progress with him," you crossed your arms.

"Damon's on his way, we'll get there," Derek said.

"Fine," you rolled your eyes.

"Just hang out with Emily for a while. Take it easy, okay?" you felt a warm feeling in your chest while Derek stroked your cheek.

You cleared your throat, before pulling away.

"Yeah, I'll see you in a bit. I'm gonna go for a run," he nodded before you walked back into your room, changing your clothes before leaving the house.


After coming home, you felt slightly anxious, finding yourself making your way down the stairs and to the basement.

You were met with Stefan pacing around, while Dean sat in the middle, tied up to a chair.

You could see a small smirk on his face, while you leaned behind the wall, keeping quiet.

"More vervain," you saw Laura standing with him in the corner.

"We tried that already, he just laughed," Laura replied.

"Let me go, let me kill (Y/N), and then I'll turn on my humanity," you felt a chill throughout your body. His voice was so familiar yet it felt like listening to a stranger.

You knew he was right, you ruined his life instead of saving him, you lied to him.

"What if we take him upstairs? Open the blinds? His daylight ring is-" you felt a pair of arms wrapped around you as you tensed, getting pulled up.

In an instant, you were in the living room, pulling away as you saw Damon behind you.

"What the fuck was that!?" you yelled.

"Stefan said that you were supposed to stay upstairs," Damon crossed his arms.


"Stay here. That kid wants you dead," Damon said.

"I know, Damon. I just want to see if I can help," you sighed.

"Keep your friend occupied. I can hear the tension between her and Derek," you were slightly frustrated, before you nodded your head, walking up the stairs.

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