Part One

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You made your way down the stairs of the Salvatore household, hearing unfamiliar voices coming from what you assumed to be the living room.

You were still getting familiar with the house, you were only there for a week after your mother died. You didn't have any family, so you lived with your mom's best friend, Zach, and Stefan.

"Zach?" you called, walking to the living room.

"Oh, (Y/N), you're awake. This is Derek," he motioned to the boy standing across from him.

"Hey," he started.

"What's going on?" you asked, looking away from Derek.

"Derek and his sister are gonna come live with us," Zach started.

You saw Derek try to talk again before you interrupted him.

"Why?" you asked, crossing your arms.

To say you didn't like people was an understatement.

Ever since your mom died, you had a hard time trusting people or letting anyone in.

"(Y/N), you're being rude," Zach muttered to you.

"Do you just let anyone come and live with you?" you turned to him.

You saw Derek give you a look before you walked off.

"Uh," Derek said.

"Sorry. She doesn't really get along well with others. She'll warm up to you," Zach said.

"Yeah, do you know when Laura is gonna come?" Derek asked.

"Not sure. Last I talked to her, she said she and Stefan were still in California," he answered.

"Okay..... I think I'll go to bed now," Derek said.

"Yeah, it's the first door on the left," Zach pointed out.

Derek walked upstairs, finding his room. He looks across the hall, spotting your room. You were sitting on the edge, sharpening your knife.

Just because you were a kid, didn't make you any less of a hunter.

He shook his head, going to his room and closing the door behind him.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Zach walked into your room.

"I'm fine," you grunted.

"How about you let go of the knife, okay?" Zach said, sticking his hand out.

You put your knife down next to you.

"Why do you always let random people come to live here?" you asked.

"First, Derek and Laura aren't random people. They're Uncle Stefan's friends. Second, we help people, human or not human. Why were you so rude to Derek? You hardly know him," Zach crossed his arms, sitting next to you.

"I'm not being rude," you replied.

"I know what you're doing, you know," he raised an eyebrow at you.

"I'm not doing anything," you got up, walking to your dresser.

"You do this all the time. You act all rude and mean to people, so they won't like you. So they won't be close to you. Why don't you let people be close to you? It's not okay to bottle up all your emotions," Zach said softly.

You paused for a second. Deep down you knew he was right, but it's not your fault that everyone you cared about was dead.

"I'm going to bed, Zach," you said.

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